Chapter 28

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"I'm telling you, I'm fine!" The frustration was clear in his voice as he was being wheeled through the hospital doors.

"There is a bullet inside of you for crying out loud, you are not fine!" Sherry shouted at her son who repeatedly tried to sit up on the wheeled stretcher. There was a tear in his perfectly tailored suit trousers which were also now stained with blood.

"Tell her," my husband turned to me and I glanced from his handsome face to his shoulder and back. I shook my head. He may seem okay but he most certainly wasn't. Sherry was right, a bullet had penetrated his shoulder and although the wound had only just grazed his skin and it wasn't serious it was still a gunshot wound and he was bleeding. Noah threw himself back onto the trolley and covered his eyes with his arm as he was rushed into the operating theatre.

Knowing he was okay and the surgery would go smoothly gave me peace of mind. He had the best medical team money could buy around him so he was in good hands, besides he's a strong man and he promised me a life full of happiness together so he can't go and bleed out on me now.

While waiting for the surgery to conclude I sat scrolling through the news on my phone. There was yet to be anything about what happened at the McKenzie house and we had the police to thank for that.

"How could something like this happen?" James said to his parents who were sat in the waiting room with me. "The security at the manor is tight, it doesn't make any sense."

"I'm looking through the security footage on my phone now, it looks like they did it during the changeover."

"How would they know what time the grounds guard change over? It's like they've been watching us for months."

"Wouldn't surprise me," Jackson scoffed. It was clear he didn't appreciate the things that were happening to his family and quite frankly neither of us did but it seemed to affect him more than anyone else. I'd heard him before, back when I lived at the McKenzie manor ranting about everything wrong with the security on the property. He claimed even he could hack into the system in the house. Of course, I didn't believe him because it was high tech stuff but after everything that's happened, I doubt he's wrong. After all, he and his friend were the ones who hacked the server at the college.

"I'm not going through this with you again Jackson we have the best-"

"Dad if you would just let me try-"

"Enough. I trust my system. That's the end of it!" Alan finalised and folded his arms across his chest. His wife whispered something into his ear, my guess telling him to calm down but Alan shook his head.

A doctor emerged from the hallway and I immediately stood to hear the news, "how is he?" I asked.

"The surgery went fine, he can have visitors now. One at a time of course," the doctor said and I nodded stepping aside to allow Sherry the first visit yet, Sherry did the same.

"You're his wife," she smiled and gestures to the long hallway leading to Noah's recovery room.

"You're his mother," I told her with a genuine smile.

"If it's any help..." the doctor interrupted, "he asked for a Sophia?" My cheeks flushed a little red as I glanced back to Sherry who told me to follow the doctor, I was hesitant but I did.

"He may be a little out of it because of the pain killers," she told me as she opened the door. Once I was inside she shut the door behind me and I looked over at my sleeping husband on the bed. His shoulder was wrapped and raised slightly and his head tile red to one side with his eyes closed.

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