Chapter 9

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"What is it?" Noah took a seat on the bed next to me and peered over my shoulder as I unlocked my phone.

I clicked on the text from the unknown number which I knew was from Brooke and passed the phone to Noah. He read the text and I could feel his body tense up beside me and his breathing deepen. He was angry, no he was furious. "It's one thing to threaten me, but no one threatens my family," he said through gritted teeth.

I placed my hand on his back and rubbed circles lovingly trying to calm him. Noah's hands balled into fists as he read the text over and over again. I reached over and took the phone out of his hand and placed it onto the bedside table, if I didn't he probably would have crushed it with the strength he has when he is angry.

"Is this why you don't want to be with me?" He asked turning to face me.

"I do want to be with you Noah," I tell him leaning into his side. "I'm your girlfriend aren't I?"

He chuckled, "I'm sorry for prying this out of you..." Noah put his hand on my cheek lovingly and rested his forehead against mine.

"I'm glad you did so please don't apologise. I was so angry with you when you kept telling me to leave New York and you wouldn't tell me why. All you said was it was for my own protection and I couldn't understand why you kept saying that. Even though I left she still watches my every move and as long as she walking free we'll all be in danger."

"It would be hypocritical of me to keep something like this from you, especially as your Dad is the one who she seems to hate the most. " I kissed his hand that was resting on my cheek. "I want to be with you but we are still putting everyone else in unnecessary danger. Maybe she was telling the truth, maybe she'll stay away from your family if I stay away."

"You're not going anywhere," his voice sounded serious and I couldn't argue. It's a battle with him I definitely wouldn't win. "By the sounds of it..." he reached for the phone again, "she wants to get revenge on my father and whether we are together or not she will go for him. What has my father ever done to her? Other than not give his blessing for our relationship."

I winced hearing the term our relationship being used to describe Noah and Brooke. Noah obviously realised this and reassured me, "she used me, Sophia. I didn't love her in the same way that I love you."

"She's in love with you though..."

"Sophia listen to me, you can't force someone to love you. I've never felt that way about her, I loved her like a friend and only a friend, that's why she despises you. She knows how I feel about you and hates that I never had those feelings for her." He presses his lips into mine for a brief second and then pulls back. "Let's get dressed and spend the day together?" Noah suggested.

"I've got to go back to work today," I tell him and his expression visibly changes to sad as he looks down. "We'll do something this evening." A small smile forms on his lips and he nods.

Noah stands walking over to the door, "I'm going to spend the day with my father and see what I can find out but for the meantime let's keep that text between us."

"Okay, what about us?" I asked the obvious question about our relationship.

"What do you mean?"

"Are we keeping us... well...between us?" I laughed at how pathetic that sounded.

He nodded and walked back over to me, "for now, baby I think that's best." He placed his hand on my cheek. I can't help but smile at the term of endearment he called me and how loving he is being all of a sudden. "I'll drive you to the university when you're ready."

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