Chapter 4

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"Sophia!" I heard my name called from the other side of the office. I glanced up from the photocopier to see my boss gesturing with his hand telling me to go to him.

I pressed the stop button on the machine and left what I was doing there hoping to get back to it quickly.

I approached his office, "good morning Mr Quinn."

"Please take a seat Sophia we have some things to go through," My boss Patrick Quinn said as he sat back down in his chair located behind his large mahogany desk. I did as I was told. "How are you finding it here so far?"

"I am in love with the atmosphere here, it is exactly what I hoped it would be when I applied. I'm still learning the ropes but I absolutely love it," I told him truthfully.

"That's what I like to hear which is why I would like to offer you the position of assistant journalist. It's a new position I want to trial here at Penn-news which I think is perfect for future interns."

"I am not an intern Sir."

"I'm well aware darling but with expert abilities but lack of experience I think you would thrive here with me." He gave me a wink. I immediately felt uncomfortable and shifted in my seat. I noticed his phrasing but brushed it off, he seems to want to help.

"Thank you, Sir, I won't let you down," I paused for a moment wondering who I would be working with. Hopefully someone like Hayley, a kind woman I have become acquainted with over a couple of months I have been here.

Mr Quinn took a glance at his computer screen, "I am going to assign you to Dominic. I know you haven't met him yet but I assure you he is one of our best. His schedule is quite hectic at the moment so having you by his side will benefit us all."

"Thank you, Sir," I said again and he nodded.

Mr Quinn picked up the phone on his desk and clicked a few buttons before holding it to his ear and speaking, "My office now."

His abrupt tone threw me off guard. A moment ago he had been polite as ever but now that's a whole different story.

Within the minute there was one knock on the door. The employee on the other side of the door did not wait for an answer before entering. The man who I had not seen around the office much before marched in and placed himself behind the desk next to Mr Quinn.

I noticed his attire, he was wearing an immaculate black suit with a red tie. While taking in his appearance I noted his build was one of a football player. He was tall and towered far above Mr Quinn who was sitting. If he were to be standing Dominic would still have at least 4 inches over him.

"Dominic I'd like you to meet Sophia, she will be trialling our new position as an assistant journalist." Mr Quinn introduced me.

I extended my hand out towards Dominic, "nice to meet you."

"Likewise," he took my hand and shook it. I expected the handshake to be rough but unlike his build, it was gentle and delicate.

"I will have a desk moved into your office for Miss Jenkins today so that you two can work closely together," Mr Quinn announced throwing me off guard. In taking this position I didn't expect to have my own desk this soon let alone be in a private office- even if it is shared and technically I am only his assistant.

As if through a silent agreement we all walked over to the office door. Dominic opened it and I turned to Mr Quinn and extended my hand out towards him, "thank you for this opportunity, Sir,"

"It's my pleasure, Sophia. I can see you will have a bright future ahead of you here." He took my hand shaking it. "And if you have any problems or concerns don't hesitate to ask, my door is always open to you."

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