Chapter 1

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     "WAKE UP! I heard my mom yell".  Okay, Okay!  I'm up now, I said. I have been shaking you for the past five minutes and I was about to go get that bucket of holy water so I could dump it on you, said mama. Now get up you got to get ready for school!

         I lazily got out of bed and chuckled to myself. My mama always talking crazy, but I love her as much as I do sports. She a thug when it comes to doing the right things. If you can even consider that a thug. I walked into my bathroom that was a few feet from my bed and did all of my hygiene stuff. I'm the type of person that hates waking up in the morning. So since it's a Monday I decided to wear my Kidd chief joggers, a v-neck, and my vibrant yellow Jordan's. My hair is naturally straight so I really didn't have to do anything except comb it out.

       I'm a senior at Bryant High School so I drive to school. Once I made it downstairs I skipped past the kitchen because I don't eat breakfest. Literally, I can go a full day without eating breakfest. My mama was in the kitchen, so I yelled goodbye to her and hopped in my 2014 dodge charger. It used to be my mama's, but she decided to get a new car and she passed the charger down to me.

        The drive to school was peaceful and very short because I don't live far from the school. Once I found my parking space I jumped out and headed towards the cafeteria where my best friend is always at. On my way there people in the halls stopped and waved while some boys just stared liked they wanted all of me. I really don't pay them any mind. Then, when I made it in the cafeteria I spotted my best friend Kaylee. We've been friends since middle school and ever since then Kaylee and I have been the Fab 2. When I walked up to her she lunged at me and started talking about how her crush walked past her. "If he walked straight past you, why didn't you speak to him? I said. "Girl, that boy is too fine and when I look at him I just forget how to talk", said Kaylee. "See Kaylee you're not like me I will speak to someone in a second". Then Kaylee looked at me and smirked.

     "What? Oh nothing, it's just evertime TRENSTIN walks past you all you do is look away, said Kaylee. Before I got to respond back the bell hand rang and we had to go to class. Sadly, I didn't have any classes with Kaylee until last hour so we said our goodbye's and I started my day.

      The day went by extremely fast

to me. When it hit last hour Kaylee wasn't in there. Then seconds later I got a text that Kaylee's mother had checked her out. Afterwards, the teacher started to teach and instead of the students listening to the teacher they were all talking about the football game that was this friday against the school that's always trying to beat us. I looked to the side of the classroom and noticed Trenstin. Trenstin is this guy I've been liking since I first got to Bryant. We've never talked for a long period of time, only when we had to work together in class. It had came to me that I had been looking at him for the longest so when I came back to my senses he was looking at me too. I felt my face and my whole body heat up. He ran a hand through his curly hair and then waved at me. Being the friendly person that I am, I waved back and smiled. Trenstin then winked and started talking back to his group of friends.

         That's when the bell had rang and it was time for us to go home. I was tired, but I had volleyball practice. While I was walking to the gym for practice I seen all the football players including Trenstin because he was one of them. I said, hey to mostly all of them and continued to where I was going. We didn't do anything special in volleyball, so afterwards I went straight home, took a shower, and dove into a deep sleep. For some reason I dreamt about football, quarterbacks, and my jump serve in volleyball.

This is my very first story and hopefully you guys like it. Some of the events in this story will be true, so be prepared. And I also did this on my phone so sorry if there are any errors. Bye bby's.

(maybe you have a stupid face will be our always)

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