
521 19 2

(Few days later)

*jades pov*

I couldn't help notice that Derek wasn't himself coming home from school.

"Derek" I walked up the stairs hoping Derek would be unlike yesterday

"Derek" I called out

As I walked up the stair case I looked around the bathroom and my room. No Derek anywhere? He hasn't texted me all day he wasn't here when I woke up?

Derek wasn't staying at mine, mum noticed again that he wasn't coming here that much anymore.

"Mum have you seen Derek?" I asked

"No honey? I haven't seen him all day?" Mum worried

"It's alright, I will find him" I said smiling

But really I wasn't I didn't want to lose Derek again. I hope he was alright

"Hey mum" I yelled from upstairs

"Yes jade?" She answered

"Can you take me to Derek's?" I yelled back

"Yeah sure" she said I heard her grab her keys in the bowl down stairs, I got dressed from the clothes I was wearing as stiles pushing me over in the dirt while play fighting, I just got into some warm clothes it looked like it was going to rain.

"Okay ready" I said and walked out of the front door mum was already walking to her car, I looked around the street and something seemed different? The street lights were on? Why were they on I thought, on the way to Derek's mum sat there singing in the car and I watched the trees pass me as we drove resting my head on the back of the chair.

"Right here?" Mum pointed

"Yeah" I nodded

Looking back outside the window I saw stiles jeep parked on the side of the road... Why would his car be here? I heard mum singing again, oh god my mum was a horrible singer and it annoyed me so badly. The music in the car started to ring through my ears and it started to hurt my ears, I blocked my ears and closed my eyes.

Thinking about Derek was nice being able to see his beautiful face, but I wish I was able to cuddle him and kiss him and just be in his arms again, I hope he wasn't angry at me? I don't think I did anything wrong?

"Were here" mum said I lost the train of thought about Derek and I saw Derek's car where it's usually parked

"Thanks" I smiled

"Text me when you want to be picked up, because you have school tomorrow" mum said

I left the car and walked up to Derek's door, I knocked on the door...waiting a few minutes the door opened I smiled but then it shattered because it wasn't Derek's lovely face. But Luna's she was still here with Isaac,

"Hey jade" Luna smiled

"Can I come in?" I smiled back

"Derek isn't home" Luna said holding the door

"I will wait" I said taping my foot on the floor

"Alright" Luna opened the door letting me in.

I walked over to Derek's bed, and just sat there waiting, Isaac and Luna were just laying on the couch together

"Can I be left alone?" I asked

"Sure" Isaac smiled

Luna looked a bit mad like I ruined there moment... But they left I'm not sure when they would be back. I laid against Derek's bed just laying there.......

Waitingxox [ Derek Hale ]Where stories live. Discover now