Chapter 1

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Gai's POV
Today is the day that I'm going to tree city for the running man I hope every body is nice

Kuga's POV
I'm ready for the running man they said that there 7 of us I want to meet them already

Lonky's POV
I'm kinda scared and excited but here we go I'm here I think I'm the only one here yet so I'm just gonna do a quick tour, I'm ready to meet them

Popo' POV
I think I saw a giraffe tribe walking around maybe his/her one of the competitors they said there are seven of
us competing

* A few minutes later*

Miyo'a POV
The robot said go to our assigned room mates the are seven of us and their names are guy? gai?, liu? liyu?, kuga, lonky, popo, and pala and that means one of us gonna solo the bed I hope it's me but no, the robot said my room mate is guy? gai? I don't know I hope his nice

assigned room mates

kuga solo

lonky & popo
gai & miyo
pala & liu

I hope their nice every one said in their mind

Gai: So Miyo your the only girl in here what do you say about that
Miyo: Nothing I'm just here to win *in her mind his starting to be nice I hope he really is*
Gai: ok so I'm gonna sleep on the couch cause there is only one bed
Miyo: No I will take the couch *yeah he really is nice I hope the others too*
Gai: Tnx but no Tnx I'm not gonna let you sleep on the couch cause it's so ungentle man of me If I let you sleep on the couch so yeah , and the robot said that we can rest for today and tomorrow we will start the competition
Miyo: Ok fine Good night Gai
Gai: Nyyyttt Miyo sweet dreams

So that's the first cptr (chapter) hope you like it
G for Gai
M for Miyo
L for Lonky
K for Kuga
B for Liu because he's from bug tribe
P for Popo
E for Pala because he's from empa tribe


Tommorow or later is the next chapter see yah

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