Chptr 2 (Say whaa)

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So this is a bit different cause I want to try to make a fanfic that I only imagine so hpe you like it

*In the morning*
G: Hey miyo I'm gonna tell you something but pls don't tell anyone promise me
M: I promise cross my heart now what is it
G: I never told this to anyone when my father told me that I'm......I'm a
M: Your What?!?!!? a spy a god a king a prince what?
G: I'm a Prince and a demigod I have the powers of the other tribe like super paw of the bars tribe the smartness of the bug tribe and other powers pls don't tell anyone this pls
M: A..after you said that I feel horrible that I let you sleep on the couch tonight you will sleep on the bed  prince
G: Nah a I like helping others so I will sleep on the couch
M: Well fine for me I have to tell you something too
G: What is it??
M: My real name Miyoshi and I am a princess and a demigod just like you that's why I'm not gonna tell to others that you your a demigod and a prince
G: Wh...What so Princess what breakfast do you want I will get you some?? and I can make this room bigger with your help
M: No need let's just eat with the others and about making this bigger I just remember that demigod can do that also let's do it later
G: Ok
M: ok so let's go
G: let's go

*With the others*
L(Lonky): Your highness what do you want?
Everyone except lonky: What do you mean your highness???
L: I listened to your conversation price gai and princess miyo
Everyone except Lonky: Whaaaaaattttttt
L: Sorry price and princes
G&M: You mean you heard every thing!??!?!?!?!?! even you know the *whisper to lonky the demigod*
L:Yup I Heard Everything
Scratch Scratch (By miyo and gai)
Everyone except miyo and gai: You can scratch too gai well we're doom
Scratch Scratch
Everyone except M&G: Why did you guys do that and what else power you guys have?
Scratch Scratch
Evry1 expt g&m: You guys are whaatttt??
M&G: Let's talk about that later we wanna eat
Evry1 expt g&m: What do you want guys we mean your highness
m&g:Don't call us that
evry1 expt m&g: well ok but can we call you guys sometime price and princess
M and G: uhh...uhhhhh
Evry1 expt m&g: why are you guys stuttering
M&G *gai whisper to miyo I can read your mind lets tell every one at the same time 1......2........3* every one run

And evry1 run


sorry for the cliffhanger hahahah see yah tommorow


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