Chptr4 (HeLpppppppp)

360 5 0


Evry1: Help!!!!!! someone is chasing us, ohh no dead end
G: I'll talk to him/her go back, umm hello maam sir who are you?
???: I'm Miyo's sister why are you running and shouting for help?
Evry1: Because your suit is black we thought your gonna kill us
???: I wouldn't do that to my own sister, my name is Rim
evry1 expt M&R: Hello Rim
Miyo: Sis!! I miss you!!
R: I miss you too *Hugs Miyo*
M: *Hugs Rim back*
M: Sooo Sis this is DemiPrince Gai I mean demigod prince Gai, this is Kuga, this prince Lonky, this Popo, this Pala and this is Liu
R:You and Gai huhh?
M and G:No No No we're just friends * In their mind I hope we're more than friends*
R: You know I'am a demigod too that means I can read minds, do you guys wanna know what is gai and miyo thinking??? it's...............It's............It'  sorry not gonna tell I'm gonna have a double Scratch if I told you guys sorry :P :P
K,L,P,E,B: uhhhhhh we wanna know
M,G,R: Wanna know *they show their claws*
K,L,P,E,B: no no we don't wanna know
M,G,R: Very good
evry1 expt R: let's go back to our room
evry1 just nodded
M,G:Hey Rim let's go to our room your gonna help us make our toom bigger so you can sleep there
M,G:Rim do you mean we can only build one bed but we can make this bigger!?!??!?!?
R:Yup and I'm going solo
G:Ok you guys do solo and I'm gonna sleep on the couch
M,R:No way
R:Go sleep with Miyo
M:Go sleep with Rim
(They said at the same time)
G: I'm gonna choose hmm......... Rim.....uhh no........Miyo uhh..... the couch hmmmm...... *in his mind with miyo*
R: I read that go sleep there the game will start in a few hours
*Lay on Miyo's bed*
G: umm Miyo can I sl....sleep to..toni...tonight??
M: Su....Sure...
R:Stuttering hmmm....
G,M:Shu.....shut up
Scratch Scratch
R: Ouchhhh GUILTY
G,M:N.....No we......were no....not *In their mind I'm guilty*
R: Told yah you guys are guilty
Scratch Scratch
R: Whyyy I can reas mind so I know your guilty
M,G: Fi.....Fine
R:Told Yah

L: Let's call the others let's play Truthor daree
P (Popo): Yeah let's call the others
*A few minutes later*
L: Every one here
evry1 expt L: Yupp
L: I'll spin the bottle first
evry1 expt L: Sure
L: It landed on miyo, Hey Princess Truth or Dare
M: Ummmm...... Truth hmmm no Dare
R: I'll will tell what is the dare to miyo
evry1 expt M,R:Sure
M:*Gulp* ohh no
R: *whisper to evry1 expt to Miyo and Gai
I will dare miyo to sit on Gai's lap until the game is finish* *evil laugh* whaahahahhahahaha
M,G: *Gulp* Oh no
R: I dare you to sit on Gai's lap until the game ends
M: *blush a bit* You'll pay for this *sit on Gai's lap*
R: *Whisper to evry1 expt Liu, Liu is jealous let's make him more jealous*
evry1 expt b(Liu):Sure
M: I will spin the bottle next, and it landed to gai
L(lonky): I will do the honor
evry1 expt L:Sure
L: Gai truth or dare
G: Dare
L: I dare you to kiss Miyo on the lips for 30seconds
G: su...sure I..if it's o..ok wi....with mi...miyo
M: It's only a su...sure
Scratch Scratch
L,R: Ouchhh why you
Scratch Scratch
L,R:Fine will stop now kiss
G: *kiss Miyo*
M: *kiss Gai back*
R,L: time is finish hey Miyo Gai
G,M:ok *Blush*

679 words except the authors note a bit short but maybe later or tomorrow I will update this
I my not update on 12 13 and maybe 14
We have Family Reunion on Quezon

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