Chapter Eight

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Jenny's POV

"This is it? This is your perfect place?" 

"Yeah. Great, right?" 

Jr. and I were sitting somewhere in the middle of a movie theater, watching advertisements that played before the actual movie. This was his perfect place. I thought it was going to be something unique like going treasure hunting, something along those lines. 

Not that I mind. I'm kind of tired myself, so watching a movie and sitting for more than 2 hours is fine with me. Except if it's a horror movie. And guess what. It's a fucking horror movie! This isn't the first time. 

"I'm gonna get us some snacks." I stood up from my seat and made my way towards the exit.

"Don't get lost!" Jr. called out. 

The line for the snack area was too long so I went to a nearby vending machine and got Jr. and I snacks from there instead. As I inserted my quarters into the machine, I could feel someone watching me. Slowly, I looked around and found.. no one. 

I'm probably just being paranoid since I'm about to watch a horror film. 

I grabbed Jr. and I's skittles from the bottom of the machine and started walking back to the movie theater. As I continued to search for our theater number, I could hear foot steps behind me. 

This feels familiar. Hasn't this happened before?

I quickened my pace and the person behind me did the same as well. After that, I was sprinting. When I finally made it to the door of the movie theater, I briskly walked through each row and was beat by the time I reached Jr. and I's spot. 

I sat next to him, panting. He looked at me in shock, obviously because of my appearance. I was sweating like shit crazy even though I didn't run much, and my messy bun was definitely messy, but not on purpose.

"What happened?" 

"Someone.. someone was following me." I answered in between breaths.

"WHAT?!" Jr. stood up from his seat and began to look around the movie theater. 

"Where is he?! Where did he go?!" 

"It's fine. I think I lost him." I held on to Jr's arms and pulled him down to sit. 

"Are you sure you don't want to leave?" He asked looking around once more.

"It's fine-oh! The movie's about to start!" I turned away from Jr. and focused my attention on to the huge screen in front of me. When the title of the movie showed up, I regretted declining Jr's offer to leave. I FORGOT THAT WE WERE WATCHING A HORROR FILM, DAMN IT. 


Mark's POV

I don't know why I decided to chase after Jenny. Before I knew it, she started sprinting and I found myself chasing after her. She reached Jr. before I could catch up to her, so I decided to hide behind one of the empty rows of seats. I landed flat on the floor and it hurt like hell. 

"Fuck.." I tried to remain quiet for Jr. was looking around the room, probably looking for the person who was following Jenny. 

"Where is he?! Where did he go?!" 

"It's fine. I think I lost him." Jenny pulled Jr. back to his seat and that's when the movie started. 

I don't really know the main purpose of why I came to spy on these two. I just know that I have to prevent Jr. from doing anything unholy. 

I sat two rows behind the two, watching over their every move. Especially Jr. I could tell that Jenny's already getting scared since she keeps shifting in her seat. Then I see Jr. slowly putting his arm around Jenny. 


I stood up from my seat, about to slap Jr. when the people behind me started complaining.

"Hey, cunt! Sit your ass down!" 

"Shit." I was going to argue back and show that piece of shit a piece of my mind, but in order to avoid Jr. and Jenny from seeing me, I have to keep low. 

I watched as Jr. finally wrapped his arms around Jenny's shaking shoulders, comforting her. The girl even snuggled closer to him! Wtf! I have to stop this. There was an abandoned bag of popcorn two seats away from me (actually the owner probably went to the restroom) so I took it and decided to use it as my weapon. 

I started throwing popcorns at the two, hiding immediately behind the seats afterwards. The first time I shot at them, I missed. I finally got them around the third try. 

"What the heck.." Jr. let go of Jenny's shoulders and looked around. I watched as he looked confused, I tried to keep myself from laughing out loud. But the laughter in my head doesn't last long. Jr. places his arm around Jenny, again. That little shithead. 

I walked up to their seats, behind them to be exact, and poured the whole bag of popcorn on to their heads before leaving. 


Jr's POV

I was too busy fantisizing about Jenny and I's future when popcorn poured down on Jenny and I, causing Jenny to scream. She was too sensitive about everything right now, since the movie provided her with so many jumpscares. So even popcorn scared her.

"What the hell?" I turned around and saw a figure heading towards the exit. 

"Jenny, wait here." I followed whoever poured popcorn on to Jenny and me, ready to beat the shit out of them. When I finally had a clear view of the person's back, I noticed something familiar from him. This person wasn't even running. He was just calmy walking, as if he didn't pour popcorn on some stranger. 

I easily caught up with his pace and when I did, I grabbed the person's wrist and turned him around. My mouth dropped to the ground when I realized that the person in front of me, the person who messed up Jenny and I's almost perfect date, was Mark hyung. 



Hello. I feel like this story is getting shittier and shittier every chapter. What do you guys think? 

As usual, like/comment if you enjoyed this chapter. Also, I apologize for any grammar/spelling mistakes. 

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