principle office

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Beverly POV

I looked at him for a moment and the replied "yeah sure" when is prom? He said in a month or so.

I went back to lunch he followed me with a huge grin on his face. James frowned and put his head down.

James POV

Oh no Beverly said yes to Brody. I was going to ask her but fist come first serve. F***.

Beverly's POV

I can't believe Brody asked me I thought he would never ask. I finally new that he liked me. Ring the bell rang for the next class. I walked around school with my head held high. I had a big smile on my face.

Then I happened again. School speaker: Beverly principle office NOW. I. strolled down the halls embaresment.

Principle POV

I hear Brody ask you to prom. No she answered. I know he did and you said yes. What did we talk about last time? I can't remember she mumbled. YOU CANT GO OUT WITH BRODY!

Beverly's POV

I walked down the hall and a tear came down my face as I saw Brody talking to another girl and kissing her on the mouth.

I wanted to punch them. I wanted to kill them. Rip out there throats. They hurt me and I wanted to do the same.

I ran out the down crying, I missed he rest if the day. All I did was sit in bed hugging my pillow and drinking dear blood.

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