chapter 5

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Nick stared at the woman before him and tried to swallow. Her smoky voice set off even smokier images of her naked and demanding

and...rollicking. He bit off a curse and reached for more coffee, trying to buy some time. Her whole demeanor screamed sex. The innocence of

youth had burned off and left behind a pure-blooded woman with pure-blooded needs. He wondered what kind of man satisfied those needs.

He wondered how ripe her breasts would feel in his hands, or how her lips would taste under his. He wondered what she wore under the

clinging red dress.



"Did you hear me?"

"Yeah. Sex. I promise you'll never find yourself in an awkward situation."

"So, you're telling me you still intend to sleep with Gabriella?"

"Gabriella and I are involved in a relationship."

"But you won't marry her."

Tension snapped the air around them. He took a few steps away, desperate for some distance. "It's not that kind of relationship."

"Hmmm, interesting. So, you're saying I can't screw around because I don't have anybody steady to screw around with."

If ice cubes were available he would have sucked them down one by one. Her accusation made a strange heat rise to his skin. Her tone was

mild. Her smile seemed easy and genuine. Nick felt poised on the edge of some female power trip, and he recognized he was on losing

ground. He rallied for the upper hand.

"If you had someone steady in your life, we'd work out the situation. But strangers are too dangerous. I can guarantee Gabriella knows how

to keep a secret."

She smiled then. A delicious, feminine smile that promised delights beyond imagination and promised it all to him. His heart stopped,

paused, then went on beating. Fascinated, he waited for her next words.

"No way, baby."

He fought for concentration as her refusal slipped from that luscious mouth. "Pardon?"

"No sex for me. No sex for you. I don't care if it's Gabriella or a stripper or the love of your damn life. If I don't have any fun, you don't.

You'll just have to get your kicks out of this very proper business marriage and build your buildings." She paused. "Get it?"

He got it. Decided not to accept it. And realized this was game, set and match, and he needed to win. His smile promised compassion and

understanding and the money she needed. "Alexa, I understand this doesn't seem fair. But a man is different. Gabriella has a reputation to

uphold, also, so you'll never be put in a bad position. Do you understand?"


"So, you'll agree to the terms?"


Annoyance surged. He narrowed his eyes and studied her. Then decided to go for the close. "We've been able to agree on everything else.

We've compromised. It's only one year, and then you can walk away and have a damn orgy for all I care."

Ice blue eyes stared back at him with sheer stubbornness and steely determination. "If you get to have your orgies, I get mine. If you want

to be celibate, so will I. I don't care about your crap regarding men and women and their differences. If I have to go to bed alone for three

hundred sixty-four nights, then so will you. And if you want action, you'll have to turn to your own wife."

She tossed her head like a stallion just out of the gate. "And since we know we're not attracted to each other, you'll just have to find some

other ways to ease the pressure. Use a little creativity. Celibacy should open other outlets." She smiled. "'Cause that's all you're gonna get."

Obviously, she had no idea he was a master poker player, and had spent the past few years blowing off steam in games where night turned

into day and he walked off thousands richer. Like his old smoking habit, poker called to him and he used the vice for pleasure, not profit.

He refused to let her beat him, and sensed victory close. He dove for the jugular. "You want to be unreasonable? Fine. Deal is off. Kiss your

money good-bye. I'll just have to manage the board for a while."

She slid out of the chair, hooked her purse over her shoulder, and stood before him. "It was nice to see you again, Pretty Boy."

Direct hit.

He wondered if she knew how her mocking endearment irritated him and made him want to shake her until she took it back. Even as a kid,

he'd hated it, and the years hadn't dulled the sharp edge of the insult. As he did when he was younger, he gritted his teeth and bore the

annoyance with an easy grin. "Yeah, it was nice. Stop by some time. Don't be a stranger."

"I won't." She paused. "See ya."

That was the moment Nick knew he was wrong. Dead wrong. Alexandria Maria McKenzie could win at poker—not because she lied, but

because she was willing to lose.

She also played a mean game of chicken.

She turned. Strode to the door. Twisted the knob. Then...

"Okay." The words fired out of his mouth before he had time to think. Something told him she'd walk away and wouldn't call back later to

say she changed her mind. And damn it, Alexa was his only candidate. One year of his life was nothing compared to the gift of a future to do

what he always dreamed about.

He gave her credit. She didn't even gloat.

She turned back around and spoke in a crisp, businesslike tone. "I know the contract doesn't state our new agreement. Do you give me

your word you'll stick to the new terms?"

"I can draw up a revised document."

"No need. Do you give me your word?"

Her figure shimmered with energy. Nick realized she trusted him on the same level he trusted her. A prickle of satisfaction ran through him.

"I give you my word."

"Then I'll shake on it. Oh, and the dissolution of the marriage after one year? My family can't be hurt in this deception. We cite

irreconcilable differences and pretend to part friends."

"I can live with that."

"Good. Pick me up tonight at seven and we'll go see my family to break the news. I'll take care of all the wedding arrangements."

He nodded, his brain a bit foggy from his decision and her nearness. Was that subtle fragrance from her skin vanilla? Or cinnamon? He

watched in a daze while she dropped a business card on the cherry wood table.

"My address at the bookstore," she said. "I'll see you tonight."

He cleared his throat to reply, but it was too late. She had already left.

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