Chapter 1

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Before the Rainfall

It was raining.

I had been sitting on my bed, the curtain on my window pushed back, and I had just been listening to the rain. I was laid down on three or four pillows, and I was wrapped in a cocoon with just as many blankets.

This is nice. I had thought. I loved it when it was calm.It was the only time I could think.

I closed my eyes and let the mid-afternoon sun that was somehow beating through the rain cradle my body in its warm embrace.When I opened them again, I just sat and stared at the tiny dust particles that were adrift in front of my window.

Calm.I revelled in its unseen yet well felt essence.

"Hey Tricia? When is Alessandra getting here?" Judge's voice rang through the house, shattering the calm, and sending it flying out of the window. I could only watch it leave, something I wanted but could never hold in my hands.

Like a certain somebody.

I quickly pushed this thought out of my mind and sighed. "I don't know." I answered, sitting up. "Shouldn't I be asking you that?" Alessandra was my mother's name, and it was Judge's responsibility as my stepfather to know of her whereabouts. At least, I thought so. But sometimes, it felt like I was more of a parent than Judge was. He had a young spirit (on account that he was indeed pretty young) and an equally goofy soul.

He suddenly came barging into my room, with as much boundless energy as a chocolate labrador on steroids.He was impeccably dressed in an ironed plaid shirt, black tie, and lint-free black skinny jeans.His silky auburn hair was slicked back, obviously brushed to the point of a certain perfection if you had a love for 90 degree angles, and his face was clean and shaven.The scent of his cologne, "Peach Tree" wafted into my room, an indescribable scent that was somehow masculine enough to be considered "manly", yet was somehow still feminine and sweet.The sort of scent that would attract women to him in troves.It tickled my nose, and I smiled at his hipster-chic look, a look that my mother would be sure to love.I guessed that they were going to go on a date today.All the more reason for him to know where she currently was.

"How do I look?" He said, nervously brushing his hand through his hair and bending down to, what looked like the hundredth time, re-tie his converse.

I grinned, rising from my bundle of blankets, and flashed him a thumbs up sign. "Do you even have to ask?"

"Guess not." And he smiled, that heartbreaking Judge smile that made me feel like I could rest the fate of my world on his long eyelashes.He walked over to my mirror to admired his reflection.

I gnawed on the inside of my cheek, pushing out the annoying feeling fluttering through my chest, and depressing myself with the harshness of truth.

He's doing this for mom.Not you.Remember? He loves her.

"Where are you guys going tonight?" I asked as brightly as I could.

"Along the docks.We're going to eat at Nicholas' Lobster and Pizza shack-"

"Nothing like trying to create an in-between for fancy and fast food huh?" I interrupted him.

He laughed."Well hey!They succeeded." He tugged at his tie. "Anyways, after that we're probably going to stroll around for a bit, act like tourists when god knows that we've been there hundreds of times, and hopefully, buy a new magnet for our fridge to completely authenticate the feeling of tourism." He said gleefully, never looking away from his reflection.

"Sounds nice." And I smiled, I really did.I mean, I cared for Judge, in more ways than I wanted to, but I was still happy for them.I loved seeing my mother happy, after all.

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