Just a Friend Pt. 4

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Jimin's POV

I wasn't in any kind of danger. I didn't need to send that message really. But I was. I was in danger. I am in Danger.

Of myself. I had grabbed a knife and slit my hand. Only to realise that my vision was blurry. Y/n and Jungkook came in and raced for me. But I had lost enough blood. I was gone.

Y/n's POV

When me and Jungkook brought him to the hospital the nurse told us.

"He didn't make it,"

I screamed. I started to cry. If only I would have stayed beside him. I ran inside to see Jimin there. The machine was silent. No heartbeat.

But before I went in I told Jungkook.
"I-I'm sorry, you don't deserve this, my feelings for Jimin-

"Are still there, I know, and you know what? I'm happy that their still there! And don't feel bad for me, I'm a heartthrob, getting the girls are easy,"

I smiled.

But when I entered the room and sat beside Jimin I did what I have always wanted to do.

I kissed his lips. But then I felt those lips kiss back. The machine started beeping furiously.

I opened my eyes and leaned back. Jimin was alive.

I hugged the holy soul out of him.

"Why?!? Why would you leave me?!"

"I'm sorry Y-y/n. The idea of you hating me kills me,"

"Idiot! I could never hate you!! I love you Jimin!"

"I-I-I....love you too Y/n, so much,"

And just like that Jungkook grinned widely watching me and Jimin embrace each other...

A/n: The only reason I ended this is because I CANT THINK STRAIGHT!!!! I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DOOOOO 😭 😭 😭


(I'm sorry 😔😣😣😔😔😓😪😢

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