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AN:This story was originally posted on fanfiction.net under my profile there, Byakugan89, so if anyone is wondering this is my story. I didn't copy it from someone else ok?

(Rosalyn's pov)

(January 20th 1990)

I had been out in the snowy streets for a week now. I was hungry, cold, and tired. Nobody paid any attention to the near frozen 7 year old girl. I honestly thought I was going to follow my parents into death.

That was until I saw the well-dressed kind looking older gentleman. He smiled gently at me and asked if I was all alone before offering me a place in his orphanage.

He told me that he was on his way to pick up another child that was coming with us. I was warned not to give anyone my name, not even the kid we were going to pick up. I nodded my understanding before I followed him as he continued down the street, and turned into a dark alley.

It was then that I saw him for the first time. He was about my age, wearing a coat that was too big for him, and long jeans that covered his feet. His mop of black hair was messy and dirty. He looked scared.

I had the sudden desire to reach out to the boy. I moved past the kind man and walked a little closer to the boy. I made small talk with him in order to set him at ease. I understood how it felt to be all alone and watching strangers walk too close to you.

I've had plenty of people yell at me for getting in their way this past week, which led me to staying away from grown-ups, in order to be away from their anger.

The kind man asked the boy if he would like to come with us to the orphanage. The boy glanced at the man, before settling his large dark grey eyes on me. He blushed slightly before nodding at the man. I smiled at the boy as I helped him stand up.

We had been told that children in the orphanage had to use aliases, and we're not allowed to give our names to anyone.

When we arrived we were given a tour of our new home and were told that we would be taking some exams over the next couple of days to determine what classes we can take. We were given that day to settle in and to come up with new names for ourselves.

Our rooms were next to each other and L was the one to give me my name.


We became best friends. Mr. Wammy was surprised by how attached to each other we were in the beginning because of how introverted L is around others. Due to this, we were always paired up for class projects like when we would test our detective skills solving cold cases of fake cases.

(L's POV)

I had been left on the streets of the strange town for 3 days now. I was cold, scared, and confused. I have no idea how I got here.

The last thing I remember was falling asleep on my bed as I tried to wait for her to return. My mum, though she hates it when I call her that.

My parents don't like me very much, but my big brother Brett did. He was such a cool big brother, always taking me outside whenever our parents were gone.

I asked him one time why they didn't like me. He said they were superstitious.

"A superstition is a belief of the significance on something without reason or knowledge. For example many superstitious people don't like breaking a mirror, because they believe it was give them 7 years bad luck. Or how people think it's bad luck to walk under ladders, or people don't like Friday the 13th. It doesn't always make a lot of sense, but that is how superstitions work. In your case it's because of your birthday."

"What's wrong with my birthday?"

"Halloween originated as a Celtic festival called Samhain where people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off ghosts, because it was believed that the veil between the world of living and the world of the dead was at its thinnest, which means the dead can cross over to our world. Of course this isn't really the case, but some people do believe this and I think that our parents are some of those people."

He used to tell me that I would be someone important someday. I'm not so sure about that. He would laugh and tell me that one day I would be a secret hero, and as a hero I need an identity, one that would be completely my own.

He began calling me L. It was a secret between us.

Brett's gone now though. He was killed by a drunk driver last week, right after he had gotten his driver's license. I think my parents blame me for it. I heard them talking about it after they got the news.

It's not like they are the only people missing him though. I have taken to wearing his favorite white shirt and jeans as a way to keep my big brother with me.

The day I ended up here began like any other since Brett died. I woke up to harsh whispering between my parents. I couldn't hear much but I did notice they mentioned me, and my brother's death.

They both left, leaving me alone in the house as was normal. It had been an abnormally cold day, so I put on my coat and scarf to keep warm because I would get into trouble if I touched the thermostat.

I knew they would be coming home late, and had tried to stay up, but I ended up falling asleep on my old mattress.

The next thing I know I'm waking up on a bench in a park somewhere strange. It didn't look like the park Brett used to take me, and I didn't recognize any of the buildings or houses.

I hid myself in a dark alley waiting for something to happen. I knew I could either be saved or I would join my big brother.

I was saved by a kind looking gentleman and a young angel with long brown hair that glowed as sudden ray of sunlight, peeked out from behind the snow filled clouds. Her smile was bright enough to make even the sun jealous.

My only question was why this angel was smiling at me?

She helped me up and stayed beside me as we followed the man, Mr. Wammy, as he led us to a long black car.

He drove us to the orphanage, and told us about needing an alias, and how we were not allowed to give our name to anyone. I knew my name could be L, like Brett would call me. I also had an idea for the pretty angel walking next to me. So I called her the name, and she smiled at me in response, liking the name.

I decided that I wanted to keep this girl close, she would be the one who would keep me from feeling alone.

My best friend, my angel, my Radiance.

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