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(November 9, 2007)

It has been eight days since the Shinigami killed Watari, and failed to kill me. I had been thinking about it, and I realized that I must have survived because of the pregnancy. I must be far enough along for the notebook to rule my death as two deaths, or the more likely possibility that I'm far enough along that my baby is viewed as a human by the Death Note, as it is apparently called. I also know that I won't die after giving birth because the time will have already expired, because there was one other rule known as the 23 day rule. If you write a name, even if you don't kill them immediately, you have to write the time of death to be before that person's natural lifespan ends, but no later than 23 days after the name is written. I'm not far enough along to have to worry about that.

We had Watari's funeral yesterday. For secrecy, L and I were in disguises, and when we came back to headquarters I held Lawliet as he finally broke down, before finally falling into an exhausted sleep in my arms.

Right now we are packing up everything on our floors, planning to return to the orphanage because we want to work on our wedding like Watari would have wanted us to, and because we wanted to talk to Roger and the boys in person. Things like this are better off said in person.

I was almost packed, but I had one more thing I needed to do before I could finish. I grabbed the thin box I picked up, as well as the wrapping paper and the birthday card I bought. I wrapped the gift before putting it in the box. I placed the card inside the box so that it was sitting on top of the gift. After that I closed the box and wrapped it, before sitting it in my suitcase, making sure it was cushioned so it wouldn't be damaged during the flight.

I had just finished packing everything when L came in. He helped me bring my things downstairs to a storage unit in the underground garage where we are keeping our belongings until we leave tomorrow.

"Mogi had agreed to drive us to the airport tomorrow. Our plane leaves Tokyo Airport at 12 pm, so we have to get to the airport around 9 am, which means we want to leave here around 10 am so we can we arrive on time. Remember that it will be a 13-hour flight. So we should arrive in England at 4 pm, which gives us a couple of hours to unpack and settle in before dinner." He told me as we walked through the empty halls.

We made our way to the monitor room, which we haven't been in since the day Light and Misa were arrested. I looked around the room, knowing that we might eventually return, it will be a long while before we would.

We sat in front of our computers and began the long process of deleting every piece of evidence from the Kira case that hadn't been deleted by Watari, as well as evidence of our time in the building. We couldn't afford to let anyone to find the even tiniest hint of our existence in this building.

Considering we had no idea how long we'll be gone, or if we'll even ever return, we can't take the chance of leaving a trace of us having ever been in the building.

It took several hours, but we were finally finished with our work. We shut down all of the security cameras in the building and placed it under lockdown.

I had already spent most of this past week completely cleaning each floor L, or I had been in. I cleared all fingerprints or other possible DNA samples from Misa's floor, Light's floor, the rest of the main floor, which held the monitor room, a kitchen, two bathrooms, the hall that leads to the rooftop and Watari's room. I have cleaned most of the monitor room, taking care of everything except our chairs and computers, and I've cleaned all of the other rooms except for Watari's work room. I asked L to finish the cleaning in here while I take cake of the Watari's work space.

I stepped into the room with tears in my eyes. I couldn't stop myself from speaking out loud to the man I had known for so many years.

"I just wanted to say goodbye Watari. I would like to thank you for everything you have done for, not only me, but L as well. I don't know what would've happened to me if you hadn't found me that day and I want you to know that I am glad that you offered me a home in your orphanage, and for helping me through everything." I took a shaky breath, trying to stop the tears that wanted to fall as I continued to pour my feelings into my words, knowing that Watari was listening, even if he wasn't physically there.

"Not only did you save me that day, but you gave me things I never thought I would have. You gave me a purpose in life, healed me from the pain in my past, while giving me the strength to look to the future. You gave me a place where I can become a better person, a place to learn and grow, the opportunity to make friends. You taught me how to care for other people, brought me to L, and gave me a family. You were more of a father to me than by biological father could even hope to be. You helped me, just a few weeks ago. You were so happy for us when I returned with the news." I smiled then, wiping my tears with my long sleeves.

"We're returning to Wammys House tomorrow. I'm going to tell him when we get settled in. I know you'll watch over us like you always have, but I wish you could be here with us. You are greatly missed, but we'll see each other again someday. Until then, just know that we love you and miss you." I finished, taking a moment to collect myself before cleaning the room.

"That took longer than I expected it to." L turned to face me when I returned to my floor which is now our floor until we leave, since he cleaned his floor. He took in my tear stained face and slightly red eyes before standing up and walking over to me, pulling me into his arms.

"Are you alright Sweetheart?" He asked in concern.

"I'm alright. I was just saying goodbye to Watari." I gave him a sad smile. He held me a little tighter.

"I understand. It's been hard for both of us." He replied.

After that emotional moment, we spent the evening holding each other and watching movies.

The next thing I knew L was waking me up where I was sleeping on the couch. It was 6 am and L had just finished cleaning everything except the bathroom. He looked like he had just gotten out of the shower, and his hair was still damp. We had one bag each left to pack, that was going to be filled with the things we needed today. Our shower supplies and a bag for our dirty clothes. He ushered me to the bathroom where I started my morning ritual to get ready for the long flight. I took a quick shower, got dressed and cleaned the bathroom before grabbing my now packed bag and checking the time with my watch. Mogi was coming to pick us up at 7:45 am so we can make it to the airport on time. I only had 15 minutes until it was time to leave. I slung my bag over my shoulder; thankfully it wasn't very heavy; and put on a glove, so I don't leave fingerprints on anything I will have to use, including the elevator that would take me to the underground garage.

I made it to the garage in five minutes to find L and Mogi packing the last couple of bags into the trunk of the car. Mogi took my bag and placed it in the trunk as L opened the car door for me.

It was time to time open the next chapter of my life.

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