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I was sitting on the couch in my suite, trying to relax as my mind went over everything that was bothering me about what the second Kira has been saying on the tapes and on that diary page. Specifically, about how they mentioned 'the eyes'. There was something unnerving me about the mention of these eyes that the second Kira doesn't believe the original Kira has.

The original Kira needs a face and name to kill. The second Kira only needs a face. It appears that the two Kiras kill using the same technique, but the second Kira is more powerful than the original. Could it be these eyes that the second Kira mentioned? Is that why they don't need a name?

I gasped suddenly as I was assaulted by an old memory I had long since buried.


I was at Wammys House, and I was wandering The halls, hoping for a bit of a break. The case we were working on was a difficult one; our suspect was a slippery man. Every time we got close to making an arrest, he'd slip away.

I was on the first floor, between the living room and kitchen when I heard someone in the room closest to me pacing and muttering.

That alone wasn't abnormal this time of year. It was time for final exams, and the students tend to have nervous breakdowns when they come around. L and I were 18 and had completed our education here last year, so we had nothing to worry about except for the cases we've taken on.

I entered the living room, to see a 16 year old B pacing the room muttering, with a pained expression on his pale face.

"B, is everything alright?" I called to the distressed teen who didn't seem to hear me. I walked closer and could finally head what the boy was saying.

"His time is running out." He was muttering to himself over and over. I called out to him again, and he turned to me when he heard my voice.

"It's A." He told me, tears in his dark eyes. A was his best friend here in Wammys House. You hardly ever saw one without the other.

"What about A?" I asked. It was clear to me that B wasn't thinking clearly. He looked right in my eyes, and I could have sworn that his eyes flashed red.

(End flashback)

I jumped, the uneasy feeling I've had the past few days became panic. I was so glad that we weren't having a meeting today. I didn't need the officers seeing me like this. I ran from my room and knocked on L's door. Watari was the one to let me in, as he was heading out to get more sweets for my insomniac boyfriend. I nodded silently to him in greeting as I closed the door.

I didn't even notice that I was shaking until I felt L wrap his arms around me and pull me into his chest. That was all it took, and I broke down, sobbing into his shirt, the stress was getting to me.

I felt him pick me up bridal style, carrying me to the couch, where he sat down, like a normal person for once, and pulled me into his lap, just holding me as I cried until I had nothing left.

He didn't say anything during my entire episode. He just held me and rubbed my back in a calming manner.

"Are you alright Radiance?" L asked me. Was I alright

now? I honestly don't know.

"I'm sorry." Was all I could say.

"Its alright." He murmured as he pulled away slightly to look at me, wiping my tears away and kissing my forehead. "Do you want to talk about it?" I took a shaky breath and nodded.

"I've been feeling rather uneasy ever since we got that message from the second Kira. The one where he was responding to our fake Kira. I didn't say anything before because I couldn't figure out why. Now I having have. It was something about what he said, about not the eyes, and confirming their Shinigami. I heard about the eyes before." I began, my mind going through the memory. His eyes widened in surprise.


"It was back when we were still at Wammys. It was just before the finals, the year after we finished our education. I was going to the kitchen to get us some cake while we were working on that kidnapping case.

"I found Beyond in the living room, muttering to himself. I thought he was just stressed about the exams, so I was going to do what I could to calm him down, but it wasn't the tests at all. When I got closer, I could head him muttering 'His time is running out' over and over. He told me about how he had been born cursed with these eyes that could see a person's remaining lifespan. He said that A only had a few days left.

"I thought he was just stressed out and panicking, but then he did something really strange. He called me by my name. My true name. He was looking just above me when he said it too, kind of like he was thinking, and what's more was that I thought I saw his eyes flash red when he looked up above my head."

"At the time, I decided that I was just imagining things, considering nobody knows my true name, and eyes don't just flash red. I thought that maybe I had been staying up a bit too much and my mind was playing tricks on me. But now I don't think so. Beyond was right, about A not having much time left. Because a few days after that, A had killed himself." I slid out of his lap and walked over to the window.

"The original Kira needs a name and a face to kill. The second Kira only needs a face. Beyond mentioned eyes that can see a person's name and lifespan, and the second Kira said they didn't believe the original Kira had the eyes."

"Shinigami. God's of death. Eyes that can see a person's name, as well as when they will die." I turn back to L, when I heard him give a small gasp of surprise. His wide eyes stared at me as he thought over what I told him.

"If that's the case we must be much more careful for now on." He replied. I sighed.

"There's no point telling the others right now. Not only because Light is out main suspect, but the fact that they probably wouldn't believe me."

We discussed the possibility that the curse Beyond Birthday had mentioned all those years ago was the eyes that the second Kira was talking about.

We decided that the probability was high, since I wouldn't be remembering an otherwise unimportant conversation unless his ability had anything to do with Kiras killing power.

"It does kind of explain how the second Kira can kill without a name, if he is able to see the person's name above the victim's head." L stated.

"However, it doesn't explain how the second Kira has this ability. It doesn't appear to be a power they had since birth, like B. Is it possible that Shinigami are actually real? Perhaps that is why the two Kiras mention them? To anyone without this power to kill, the word Shinigami will seem like a code word, but in reality it might be where this power comes from. " I finished.

After we decided that this might be the case, the genius detective and I went over new and old theories, and several possible plans on how we will move forward in this investigation.

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