No One's P. O. V.
Joe steps forward and tries to punch Jewel in the chin but she deflects it with her right hand. She holds his hand in hers and squeezes it the more he struggles. After a few minutes of struggling she lets go and kicks him in the chest with her foot. Once she has him on the ground she puts her foot on his chest and pushes down with all of her weight.
"Don't you EVER talk bad about anyone of my friends again! Got it?!" She yells as he tries to push her foot off of his chest.
"NO!" He yells back.
She growls out at him and lifts her foot off of him. He jumps up and kicks her in the back as she turns towards her family. She falls to her stomach with her arms holding her up. She rolls over and jumps up like a ninja and glares at him.
All of Home Free look at her family and ask the same question.
"What the hell?" All of them ask except for Adam.
Her family and Friends smile at them and look back at the fight just as Jewel kicks him in the mouth sending him to the ground with a bloody mouth and possibly broken jaw. She grabs ahold of his shirt collar and whispers something into his ear that makes him piss his pants. Literally. She looks down and laughs as his face turns as red as an apple. She lets him go and was about to walk towards her parents when a voice shouted her name from the back of the crowd.
Jewel stops and turns around and walks towards the voice.
Tina Johnson's P. O. V.
I watch as Jewel walks back to Mr. Higgins the asshole of a Principle. She stops infront of him and says something I couldn't understand to him. His face goes red as she looks back at all of us with a pleading look in her eyes. Higgins grabs her and yanks her face towards his and slaps her. I hear Adam take a step forward along with Colton, Cole, and Vince. She turns her face and spits out what looks like a tooth and a lot of blood. That's all it took for Adam to take off running towards Higgins with clenched fists.
Tim gasps and says something that shocked the hell out of the rest of us besides the rest of Home Free.
"He never tries to get into a fight unless he really cares for that person. He's more of a lover not a fighter." He says as the rest of us watch as he punches Higgins right in his nose.
"Don't touch her!" Adam yells as he pulls Jewel into a hug.
I'm sorry I haven't posted anything on here for a while. I've been taking care of two 6 week old puppies and not getting any sleep at night because they like to start playing in the middle of the night. I'll try and post more now that I've figured out how to get them to sleep at night :). I'll even post a picture of both of them together and let you choose which one you thinks cuter ;). I'll quit typing now and let you read this very short chapter. Bye!

Beat Box Lessons (Adam Rupp Love Story)
FanfictionAdam Rupp starts up a class after him and Ericha get divorced to take his mind off of things. But, what he doesn't expect is for him to fall in love with one of the best beat boxers in the entire class. Jewel Johnson gets bullied all the time at...