Part 1

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Kaitee's POV-

My head shot up off my desk the second the bell rang. My eyes were blurred as I tried to forcefully open them and pay attention.
"Schools out! Remember to finish your 1,000 word essay tonight to turn into tomorrow. Email me if you have questions," Mrs. Angel explained.

Without even thinking, I blurted out "What essay?"
I just then realized I had fallen asleep and was about to get a lecture.
"The one I explained while you were asleep, Ms. Marshall."
I looked at my desk and fidgeted with my pencil. "I apologize."
Her stern face turned into a soft smile. "It's a 1,000 word essay of how the universe was created. In it you will also need to explain different types galaxies, the inner and outer planets, and the separation between them. You also have a quiz attached on the back," she turned her back to the class and began cleaning her desk. "Ok, the bell rang, out you little rats!"
I groaned and shoved my folders into my backpack and swung it on my shoulder. It was going to be a long night of science.

I walked through the halls that led to the parking lot, and on the way I found an an angry looking Braelynn storming down the hallway.
"Braelynn, where are you going? The parking lots this way," I gestured towards the doors.
She turned to face me and gave me a slight smile. "Detention."
"I'm not surprised, what'd you do this time?"
"I may or may not have been bored, and spit spitballs at the teacher."
I opened my eyes in awe, this was the worst she's done yet. "Braelynn! Your brother is gonna be distraught!"
Her smile only grew bigger. "I know. I only have 15 minutes though, the teacher thought it was pretty funny." I rolled my eyes and walked out the doors to meet my brother Asher and my best friend Ava-Mae.
"Kaitee!" Ava-Mae shouted.
I watched as my best friend ran up and embraced me in a hug. "Hey sister, what's up?"
"Math homework, and a lot of it."
"You have it better than me," I sighed. "I have to write an 1,000 word essay with a additional quiz."
"Wow. And I thought that I had a lot of homework," Ava-Mae exclaimed.
"Asher, how was your day?" I looked over at Asher who was looking down at the ground and kicking a rock.
"Good, I guess."
"I can tell something's up, big brother."
"Kaitee, I said I was fine. Don't push it."
"Ok jeez," I said as I held my hands up in surrender.
We all looked at each other and somehow got message we should go to the car. Asher threw himself in the front seat and immediately turn the car on. Ava-Mae and I gave each other awkward looks before buckling our seatbelts. When we opened the door we where greeted by our parents who where in a hurry to get out of the house. My mom screamed with her head out of the window of the truck "Dinner is on the counter," before pulling out of the driveway. Mom works as a nurse for the emergency room at nights and my dad is a police officer and also works on nights. They both get home around 10:00 and then leave again when we get back from school.

"Start working on your homework right away I'll be warming up dinner for you. Ok?"
"Ok," I frowned and stomped up the stairs. I threw my backpack on the the ground and pulled out a ton of notebooks and textbooks. And I began to write.

We live on earth, happily, with the sun shining down on us, planets orbiting by us, and many, many galaxies to observe. But, how did this all get here to begin with?

Well, the question still remains a mystery, but many astronomers think it all began with a tiny little fireball.

13 billion years ago, a small, thick fireball exploded, releasing all types of gas and dust. This is known as the Big Bang.

I tapped my pencil on my head trying to remember past lessons.

Once this 'fireball' released many gases such as hydrogen and helium and dust, everything started cooling. But, as it cooled it started expanding.

Because of all the dust and gas, many, many stars started to form and create our stars and galaxies. But, how did our planets and sun get here?

I felt my eyes getting heavy and it was hard to stop myself from drifting off. I set my pencil down and slammed my head onto the table allowing darkness to overtake me.

A scream from downstairs immediately awoke me. I ran out of my room and into the kitchen and then realized Asher had been calling me and has now turned into what I call him 'angry Asher'. Dinner was very quick and quiet. I went into my bathroom to start my night routine. Once I was done with that it was already 10:00 p.m. and time for bed.

Hours had past and a piercing noice came from my phone. My hands scrambled to grab it and see what this was all about. I heard Footsteps down the hallway and I shoved myself under my blankets. The person had entered my room and walked straight towards my bed. I felt hands reach my body as they snatched the blankets off of me. I screeched as I fell off of my bed. I poked my head up above my mattress and realized it was just Asher.
"Oh it was just you! Thank goodness," I said getting myself off of the gray carpet and sat on the bed with Asher.
"Uhh, ok I was just coming in to ask if you got the weird alert on your phone too."
"Let me look," I said as I went to grab my phone. All of a sudden my phone started to vibrate like crazy.
" An official phone alert went out to everyone in the city saying do not look at the moon," Asher explained. I sat starting at these no stop messages from numbers I did not even know coming to mine phone. Ashers phone started to ding a lot getting the same exact messages from the same exacted unknown numbers. Asher ran to the windows and shut all the blinds as I sent texts out to our group chat which included Evan, Ava-Mae, Braxton, Braelynn, Braxton, and Asher. I typed ' Everyone come to our house as fast as you can but be safe and do not look at the moon!'
Ava-Mae was here in a split second knocking on the door. With my head looking directly at my feet the whole time I answered the door and pulled her in. Once she was in the house I was able to look directly at her. I looked her up and down, I could see her shaking and when I looked into her blue, innocent eyes I could see fear.
"Would you like anything to eat or drink Ava-Mae?" Asher asked breaking the silence.
"Yes, water please."
Asher walked to the kitchen in disappointment because he wanted more of a conversation with Ava. There was a big slam on the door scaring all of us. I opened the door and say Braxton carrying Braelynn who appeared to be passed out.
"What happened?" I questioned.
"I-I don't know. All that happened was she got the phone alert and then said 'yeah right' and then looked at the moon. She fell to the floor right after she looked." Braxton said really fast
"Calm down! Once Evan gets here we will have him check her out, ok?"
"Ok." He sighed.
"For now Ava-Mae can you get a spot ready on the couch and sit by her until Evan gets back?" I asked.
"Of course I can."
Braxton sat Braelynn down on the bed Ava had made for her. Evan opened the door without knocking with his hands full of safety kits. Evan sat down on the coffee table with Ava right by his side asking a lot of questions.
"Ava, Can you sit right here with Braelynn for a moment while I talk with the others in the kitchen?" Evan asked.
"Yes I will." Ava said without a doubt.
3 minutes have passed of Evan explaining anything that could have happened to Braelynn but then our conversation was stopped by a scream coming from the living room. We all sprinted out there and saw Braelynn scratching and grabbing for Ava. Her eyes had turned completely jet black. Everyone ran up to Ava and Braelynn with the boys tackling Braelynn to the ground and me grabbing Ava from the chaos. With a fight the boys managed to get Braelynn locked up in Asher's room. They came out with scratches all over themselves with blood everywhere. Evan sat everyone down in the kitchen and started cleaning out and bandaging the cuts.
"Let's go check up on Braelynn," I said with my voice shaking. Everyone followed me to Asher's room and looked in and Braelynn was gone.

Credit to photographygirl3 for helping plan and write this story! Go and follow her she's the bomb diggity.

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