Chapter 24: Hmm feisty...Louis likey Louis POV

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Louis' POV

Way to go Nialler! I knew you had it in you!

I could see the girls exchanging looks with one another and then they both got up to leave the room rather quickly. "we'll be right back boys" said Maddie quickly as she dragged Jess out of the room. As they walked past me, i noticed a love bite on Maddies neck that wasn't there earlier. I looked over at Niall and winked. I smirked again as Niall threw me another dirty look as him and i walked out to the living room. He was probably mad that I interrupted his snog session with Maddie. "Hey, lets start the video game marathon before the lads get back!" said Niall, trying to change the subject. We both grabbed our controllers, sat down on the couch and started playing Halo. As we were playing, i noticed Maddie and Jess out on the balcony in what appeared to be a serious conversation. I paused the game, nudged Niall and pointed them out and at that moment, Maddie glanced in the window and suddenly went red as a tomato. I started to laugh at the expression on Jess's face cuz i suddenly realized what they were talking about. I saw Jess point at Maddie's neck, slap her on the arm and then look over at Niall and give him a thumbs up before opening the door to come back inside. "Welcome back ladies, ready to watch me whip Niall's ass at Halo?" i said cheekily, grinning at the expression on Niall's face. Maddie just laughed as she sat down next to Niall and cuddled up to him. Jess just looked at me and rolled her eyes. "If anyone's gonna whip anyone's ass at Halo, its gonna be me whipping YOUR ass...hand me a controller rookie" said Jess, standing in front of me, blocking my view and motioning for me to hand her a controller. "Hmm, feisty...Louis like" i purred seductively, grabbing Jess's wrists and pulling her on top of me, our noses touching and her warm breath tickling my nostrils. "Geez guys, save the making out for another when you're alone perhaps?" said Zayn rolling his eyes. The boys had returned from getting food and they didn't seem surprised about me and Jess. Harry came right over to me and knuckle bumped with me and winked as he sat down in the middle of the couch, controller at the ready. Zayn just rolled his eyes again and flopped down on Niall's other side, controller in hand. Liam, on the other hand, just kind of stood at the doorway staring awkwardly at the floor. "I'll be right back babe, i need to speak with Liam" I whispered to Jess. She nodded as she climbed off my lap. I kissed her forehead as she did, heaved myself off the couch and walked over to where Liam was standing. "Look man, i'm sorry about what happened earlier...i was frustrated and i took it out on you...are we cool?" i said, holding out my hand. Relief spread over Liam's face, "Im so glad you're not mad at me anymore...i had no place telling you what to was my protective instinct kicking in and i didn't want to see you get hurt was bad enough the first time...i only wanted to see you happy bro...we're cool" he said, shaking my hand vigouresly and smiling again. I smiled too. "Good, now lets play some Halo!"...

Trampled by my love of One DirectionWhere stories live. Discover now