Chapter 2

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It was almost time for dinner when I finally finished exploring the house. I found out that there was in fact a game room, as James said. There is also a steam room in the basement, a study, a library, a theater, more guest bedrooms, several bathrooms, a hot tub by the pool, and a gym. I might as well be living in a hotel.

It has been exactly four hours since I've seen Matthew. It's so hard to see him as just Matthew the annoying boy I used to know, now that I know he's Matt Klide. He is still mean, so that clearly didn't change. I've only ever seen glimpses of him when my best friend, Claire, would try to get my attention by shoving a magazine in my face or showing me his latest role. I would have never thought this will be something I needed to get used to. I probably wouldn't have noticed him at all if it wasn't for her gushing over him twenty-four-seven.

She is hands down his biggest fan. Regardless of his reputation or newest scandal, she's always the one to defend him. She stalks his social media sites as if her life depends on it. That's another reason I didn't want to come here, I miss her too much. We've been inseparable ever since we were twelve.

I make my way into the luxuriously large living room settling comfortably on the living room couch to try and relax after the tour I took. The second my back hits the couch, I can officially say that it is the most heavenly couch in the world.

I sigh as I stare at the ceiling, and find myself dialing Claire's number, still unsure if I should tell her about who Matthew really is. As far as she knows, he was the boy that made me hate summer. She hates "Matthew" as much as I do, and even though we're best friends I don't think she'll hate him as much when she finds out.

Luckily, she picks up on the first ring.

"Oh my gosh!" She yells in my ear. Her personality always shines through her voice each time she speaks. That's what I love most about her.

I laugh, "What's got you so excited?"

She scoffs, "The fact that you remembered you have a best friend." I hear people screaming in the background and pull the phone away from my ear.

"Claire, don't be so dramatic, it's really loud, where are you?"

"I'm at the annual summer pool party trying to have fun and relax, please tell me you're doing the same thing." I can practically see her laying on a pool lounge chair sipping something she's definitely not old enough to drink. She would have dragged me to the annual summer pool party if I was still at home.

Thinking about it know, going out and socializing isn't my scene.

"Well, I am relaxing." Kind of. I'm a little exhausted from giving myself a tour and this couch is really comfortable.

"Jade get your ass in a pool, I know you said the place is awful, but there has to be a pool in the area."

My hands run over the suede material as guilt washes over me.

I feel bad for not calling her right away to tell her that this place is literally her dream home. Ever since we met we would always joke about how we'll be living the fanciest of lives in the future.

We never keep things from each other, big or small but something is holding me back from spilling the past few hours to her. I'll tell her eventually, not now, but soon.

"Actually... there is, and you know that is a really good idea." I doubt I'll actually head to the pool tonight but I'd rather have her think I'm enjoying myself. I don't know how she'll react if I tell her that this isn't the same place it used to be.

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