Chapter 9

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Hannah was right. The restaurant is classy, but she failed to mention that this place is crowded with rich people. Everyone we passed on the way to our table wore pounds of shiny diamonds just on one hand, making me feel out of place. It's dimly lit, elegant, and feels a little romantic. As we pass several tables, we endure burning looks and I can't help but think, why they chose a place like this?

Passing by several tables while getting looks on the way, I start to wonder why they chose this place.

Even the waiters are dressed classily, in white short-sleeved button down shirts together with a black vest and dark bottoms with aprons around their waists, all topped with a bow-tie around their necks.The hostess that guides us to our table smiles proudly at us, and does not remove her eyes from Matthew. With the way she's staring, I'm sure she recognizes him, but I think she's trying to be professional because she hasn't said anything.

We're seated at a long rectangular table large enough for the eight of us. They sat us at the most secluded part of the restaurant, per request. I wonder if Matthew is the one who suggested being seated here. I'm just surprised he's here in the first place. He's never around when we eat together at the house. And when he is, he doesn't stay.

I'm sitting across him, conveniently given the opportunity to stare at the murderous glare that has not left his face since we left the house. I roll my eyes at him and look over to my right at Claire and roll my eyes at her when I see her daydreaming with a hand positioned under her chin while staring at Matthew.

The menu is extremely long with so many options. My eyes are wide when I glance at the prices for each plate of food. We ordered a few appetizers for the table and everyone got their own dish. The conversations between everybody continue as we wait for our food.

While Claire asks Matthew a few questions about his TV shows and movies, I try to ignore them and bring my attention towards everyone else.

Our waiter, Pete, at least that's what his name tag reads, stops by several times to fill everyone's water and to ask if we needed anything. He looks young and tall with really dark hair, shaved on the sides having his curls styled nicely at the top. Each time he stops by the table, he makes a joke or two, getting a laugh out of everyone. Everyone besides Matthew.

When our food comes and everyone digs in, mom decides to happily say, "I'm so happy we decided to start our summer tradition again, thank you so much for inviting us." She turns to Matthew when she says this, while he fidgets in his chair and concentrates his focus onto his food. Why is she turning to Matthew?

"Why'd they stop anyway?" Claire cuts in, while hungrily shoving a piece of chicken in her mouth. Claire doesn't notice but I see Hannah's face fall suddenly, Brian's knife drop from his hand and onto his plate and Matthew's grip on his fork tighten. My parent's look worried and James is as confused as I am.

I know they stopped because someone in their family passed away. But that's all I know. I knew it wasn't polite to ask and now that I think about it, I should've warned Claire.

I look over to her, noticing her expression change when she notices Hannah's face pale. Claire quickly spits out, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked." I can tell she's embarrassed but she's one to shrug it off the next day or so.

Hannah clears her throat and forces a smile, her voice shaky, "No, it's okay. Just wasn't expecting it. We had a family member pass away. It took us by surprise." She takes a sip of her water, then excuses herself from the table and walks off to the restrooms. We all saw the hurt on her face, the surprise on Brian's and the anger in Matthew's. My heart aches for them.

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