Chapter 3

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I'm annoyed when I wake up exactly two minutes before my alarm goes off. I'm still adjusting to my temporary bedroom and how incredible it is.

I don't think I could ever go back to my bedroom back home, that can easily be compared to a storage closet, after living here all summer. It has been a week since we got here and as much as I like living in this mansion, I'm growing a little homesick.

I've had the same routine since I got here. I wake up, take a shower, eat breakfast, exercise for an hour, read another novel, have lunch, watch a movie or two, talk to Claire, and sleep. Then Repeat.

Just thinking of what I've been doing makes me cringe at my boring self. If Claire were here, she'd give me a piece of her mind about doing something spontaneous and adventurous for a change. My parent's have been going out with the Kennedy's almost every night, leaving me babysitting James most of the time.

They'd invite me to go out with them but I politely decline each time. It would just be so awkward.

Yawning, I roll out of bed and slip my feet into my fuzzy slippers. I readjust my black tank top and pink pajama shorts as I stand. Grabbing my phone, clear toiletry bag, and a towel from the drawer opposite my bed and I head for the bathroom.

I pass by Matthew's room and notice the door is slightly ajar. I haven't seen him since we talked about the call he received from his agent. From what I've heard from Hannah's rambling, he's been out of the house most of the time because of work and scheduled appearances.

I can't help my curiosity when I find myself peeking through the door opening. My eyes align with the mirror, which gives me full coverage of Matthew's bed. And Matthew, sitting shirtless on the edge of the bed holding his phone to his ear.

"That doesn't make any sense." He practically yells.

"Fix it Tay— " He gets cut off by the muffled shouting on the line.

"Well if you don't, I will. And we both know you won't like it." He ends the conversation with his threat not letting the other person respond.

"Fuck! Shit! Shit! Dammit! Shit! Fuck!" The train of curses make there way from his mouth as he gets up in frustration, followed by him throwing his phone against the wall. I jump when it hits the ground with a loud thud.

He starts to pace his room with his hands on his head making there way to the back of his neck. As much as I should, I can't take my eyes off him. All I want to do is comfort him and try to calm him down.


Matthew looks up and around the room realize it's not his phone going off. 

It's mine. 

"Shit" I mutter under my breath as I try to silent my phone and rush to the end of the hallway before he makes it to his door.

The last thing I need is for him to know that I was standing outside his room eavesdropping on what seemed like a serious conversation. I silence my phone and see the cause it going off. A text from Claire.

Claire: Morning, Bitch!

I can't help but laugh at her text, then I remember where I am and clasp my hand over my mouth. I hear his door slam, and I know it's safe for me to keep going.

Sending a quick "Good morning" response to Claire, I finally make it to the bathroom, mentally cursing at my nosey self. That conversation was not meant for anyone to hear, especially me. The foundation we established last week is definitely not something I want to ruin.

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