Chapter 1 - My New Life

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After six hours on my flight and what felt like eternity saying goodbye to my family, I had finally made it. A fresh start in a new place and hopefully happier life. I still didn't understand why my mom and dad thought that having seven kids was a good idea. Well, I should say eight seeing how my mother's belly was swollen with yet another child. Good thing I never wanted to have kids, much less trying to have a litter. My parents might be a bit eccentric, they are mine and I still loved them.

With a smirk on my face I walked over to baggage claim, upon grabbing my bags I headed outside of the airport terminal to grab a cab. I might have been free of my pack, which was a big relief, it didn't mean I was free from formalities of others. I still had to make my way over to the Alphas place to announce that I would be staying in his territory. I figured after I unpacked and was settled in I would go see him.

"Ma'am, where is it that I will be taking you?" the cabbie asked sounding irritated after placing my bags in the trunk and most likely having sat in the cab for awhile. He must have asked me more than once. Who am I kidding? It was probably more then three times. I really needed to get my spaciness under control.

"Sorry, sir here is the address." Not looking him in the eye I handed him the papper with the address to the dorms that I would be staying at. I could feel my cheeks turn a bit red. I hated that I spaced out so easily. Even though, it's what made art such an easy thing for me. I could delve into it and the most extraordinary things would come of it.

I sat silently as we pulled away from the airport. It was pleasantly green here, so full of life and color. I couldn't wait to go hiking in these woods and draw/sketch everything I saw. Granted I might not be going to a prestigious art school like most kids wanted to, though this school did have my two favorite things. Art and plenty of nature art classes.

I know some of you think that they are the same thing. In reality there were people who painted nature just to have a nice land scape up on their wall, then there where people like me. People who never forgot to add a detail of nature into every drawing. It sounds bias I admit, I swear to you there is a there is a huge difference between the two.

We finally arrived at the dorms after a half hour drive. I paid the cabbie who, I believe was happy that I was finally out of his cab. Seeing how I didn't really answer any of his questions that he was apparently trying to ask me. Honestly, I didn't recall hearing a word he had said asides from him asking for the address. Didn't mean that Lilly wasn't a bit cheeky with him.

The building it self wasn't anything to gawk at. It was an off color of beige and something that might have been white at some point in time. One thing I will never understand is why someone would willing paint a building white. Then I guess you didn't need anything too lavish to house a bunch of students. Let me just say the forest across the way was definitely some where I was going to have go hiking in. It's tress definitely would become part of my art. I looked at my paperwork seeing where I had to go. There where a bunch of other students here as well. Not many of them smelt like werewolves so it seemed like I wouldn't have to worry about rank. One less thing to stress over. With a sigh of relief I fallowed my map.

Finally, figuring out where I had to go, I had made it to my dorm room. Once I entered my room I couldn't help to notice that my roommate had been here and at least had deposited their belongings haphazardly. I also noticed it was nothing like the dorms you saw on TV. It was disappointing to say the least. This was more like a walk-in closet with loft style twin beds along one wall. It wasn't anything close to a real room. Like I ever really had one of those. So this wouldn't be much of a difference.

As I was finishing unpacking and organizing my things I heard a knock on the door. "Hey newbie, head to common area". Came from the other side in high pitched tones that at the same time sounded sicking sweet. I did as the voice asked trying not to role my eyes, and just to make my way there. Luckily there was no chance of getting lost seeing how the populis was already heading the direction we needed to go.

"First and for most I want to thank you all for choosing our school. Second it's time to go over some of the dorm guidelines. . . ." She went on to explain some other things that I really didn't pay any attention to. I also didn't want to be sick from all her fake nice self. I had already read the hand book explaining what was expected of us here. Leaving my wondering mind do what it's best at.

I hoped that being away from the pack would some how make me stronger. I know, I will never match up to the higher ranking members of my pack, just strong enough to hold my own. My wolf was getting restless. Lilly hadn't been out for a run since we left. I knew that soon she would start bugging me. In order to run I was going to have to go inform the Alpha I was here. I know I was only avoiding the inevitable.

While spacing out I had managed to make my way out of the building, down the stairs and into the near by woods. Ok I should say Lilly is the one that did. She sure did know when to take control to try to get what she wanted. Most of the time it would work but, this also would lead me into trouble. Seeing how she was the one that hated to be mouthed off to. Matter of fact for us being an omega, she really hated to be told what she could and couldn't do. I swear her sprit animal was a mix of a bull and an ox.

"Come on, one small run." Lilly begged me with a slight pur to voice. Ok maybe her spirit animal is also part cat. She always did this. It was her way of getting me to feel sorry for her. Lilly being Lilly, was also the only wolf I've known to pur the way she did. It sounded like a large cat's pur, she only ever made the noise in our head though.

"No, Lilly we can't you know how much trouble we will get into if we do." I could hear here whimpering in my head. She tried to fight me for control. I pushed back. She was the reason I was as strong willed. Fighting for dominance over her was always a battle of wills.

"Fine! Then I guess you should get your ass moving so we can. I'm tired of being pent up and not stretching my legs. Honestly it's bull shit you get more free roam then I do." It was the last thing I heard from her before she disappeared into the back of my mind. She sure was a moody one today. Which ment she would only fight harder to get her way.

Sadly I knew she was right. I know that I would have to get it done. It was do it now or have them come after me calling me rouge. They had known I was here the moment I crossed the border into their pack. I just hoped that the stories of the Alpha being a dick wasn't true. People always exaggerated in one form or another.

Walking back to the dorms I searched for the paper with the address on it. Had to do this sooner or later. Rather sooner then the later part. Seeing how the longer I waited the chances of them seeing me as rouge ran higher. I really wanted to believe the Howler Pack wasn't as bad as people claimed them to be. I guess I would find out for my self soon if I didn't move my ass to go introduce myself formally. Plus it would get Lilly off my case and give her chance to run through the woods.

Let me know what you think. As always thank you for taking the time to read. This chapter is edited(again, hopefully improving it) 😁💜✌️

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