Everything Has Changed pt 2// F.W

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I didn't know what song to put lol but here's part 2. Read the part before this to understand this one lol. Your 14. Bye.

7Years Later...

Y/n's POV:

Elementary and middle school came and went by so fast. Now it's time to start freshman year of high school.

Everything has changed

Finn and I would have been 14 years old but we're not friends anymore here's why.

Back in the beginning of middle school are the peer pressures to be in the popular kids group or to make sure you look ok. And Finn was one of them. At the beginning of seventh grade he starting to ignore me and hung out with the more popular kids. Except he didn't ignore me when we were in six grade at the beginning of middle school. Second through sixth grade we were best friends and couldn't be separated.

I was terrified to say the least that he would start to Bully me. He did. I was devastated because I figured out that I had a crush on him when he started to leave me alone.

For the first week he started to ignore me, I had sleepless nights, it was just me crying myself to sleep.

No ones POV

"Hey little brat" Finn said as he walked by y/n.

"What do you want Finn?" y/n said

"Nothing from you you ugly little girl" Finn said

"What's wrong with you, why did you start ignoring me all of the sudden in seventh grade, what did I do wrong, am I not good enough! We used to be best friends!"y/n said

He rolled his eyes and turned around and walked away.


Seriously, I don't know what I did to him. I don't think I did anything wrong? I can't even believe that I am in love with him especially because he bullies me and used to be my best friend. Like seriously, I did nothing wrong, we were so close and used to be best friends and do everything like lovers and then he suddenly ignores me and bullies me.

After school I went home and did what I always do, cry. I was crying on how terrible life is at this point.

I heard a knock at the door a ran to go see who it was. I opened it up and saw


"What are you doing here?" I said

"I came here to talk y/n." Finn said

"What is there to talk about?"

"I came to say that I am sorry for all that I have done to you in the past. I can't believe that I left you in seventh grade and I feel awful for doing it. I've been staying up for the past three years crying because I miss you so much. I was just afraid to come back to you." Finn said

"Why?" I simply said

"Because... I-I-I love you" Finn blurted out

"You what?" I say shocked

"Listen, the reason I left you three years ago was because I fell in love with you. I know it sounds weird and crazy to say that but I really do love you. I was too afraid that I will show it considering we are best friends. I didn't know how you felt." He said

" Finn, I loved you too. Don't get me wrong I still love you. I fell in love with you back in the second grade and I feel like that's why we came so close. We only need each other. Because for the last two years I have been staying up all night crying over you, even though I probably shouldn't have." I said

"So you still love me?" He asked


I was cut off when a pair of soft lips came in contact with mine. I was shocked at first, but then melted into the kiss. It felt like magic, it felt so right.

We both pulled away out of breath

"I have been waiting to do that since we were 7" Finn stayed with a smile

"Me too" I said

He kissed me again but this he deepened the kiss and slipped his tongue in my mouth. We both pulled away breathlessly again.

"I've loved you forever y/n and so I'm gonna do it. Y/n y/l/n, will you be my girlfriend?" He said

"Yes!" I said as I was about to cry

We hugged and it felt like we were seven again. I can't believe I'm dating him, it's so unreal. Everything has changed.

Well that was a long chapter. 783 words. I hope you enjoyed requests are open!

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