Chapter Ten

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This is a crazy long chapter but I wanted to fit Brendon's Birthday chapter in here and I knew I wanted the chapter to end this way. Enjoy this even longer chapter than normal!!
P.S. reminder no chapter next weekend. Also this is taking place during the DOAB era instead of PFTW era.


I heard my alarm go off and I groaned knowing I forgot to turn it off last night. After Shawn told pretty much the whole school that I'm Brendon's daughter I asked Andrew to come pick me up. I cried to him, and I didn't know what to do. I told him not to tell mom yet, because maybe people finding out isn't as big of a deal as I am making it in my head. I turned off my alarms and looked at my bright phone to check the time. My lock screen is a picture of Tyler, Josh, Brendon and I from the concert and my home screen is Ali, Shawn and I. I guess I need to change that later since I have no intentions on being friends with Shawn anymore, which I'm not going to lie that thought kills me. The time said 5:00 am, I felt my body wanting to cry that I am up for cheer time. I decided to check on Twitter and see if anything happened overnight.

Once I got on to Twitter I did want to see what fans were saying, but also I just wanted to see what my favorite singers/bands and celebrity's were saying. That didn't happen, because the first thing I see is kids from my school talking about me. Also TMZ has already got the story and so has E! which is great for me because now the entire world already knows, or in just about a few hours is already about to know. Most kids from my school their tweets already have over 2.5k likes and 1.2k retweets which means I'm fucking screwed. I probably shouldn't read what they are saying about me, but I can't help my self.

Fan #1: can you believe this girl from a private school thinks she is Brendon Urie's daughter? If Brendon has a daughter he would have told us from the beginning and not keep her a secret. Also she is 16 now, why would she come into Brendon's life 16 years later?

Fan #2: I bet the mom is trying to steal Brendon from Sarah, I bet all she does is sit at home and does nothing. It's obvious she's a gold digger. Sarah better keep her eye on Brendon.

Fan #3: Not to mention she is a slut, I read on TMZ that she is apart of Brendon's threesome which involves the song Girls/Girls/Boy. That song doesn't really show the girl as sweet and innocent.

Fan #2: Yeah, but like I said. This Bailey chick is just claiming her daughter's is Brendon's to get custody money to a child that doesn't even belong to Brendon. If Brendon's smart he'll file a law suit to stop this psycho lady. From her diary entirety it looks like she was a slut in High School and I wouldn't be surprised if she still is one today.

I stopped reading on the thread of conversations and quickly stood up. What do they mean my moms diary entrée? I quickly went onto TMZ's website and looked on the most recent article. Sure enough a picture of my mom, Brendon and Sarah were all on there. I'm surprised they didn't find me and put my picture up there, although I'm a little grateful for that. I started reading the article and I couldn't believe a picture of my moms page to her diary is on there. I started to feel sick as I began to read.

" Yesterday it was reported on twitter that the Death Of A Bachelor singer has a daughter. Local High School students are tweeting at the account of lisa_tanner that she is Brendon Urie's daughter with the caption of her moms diary that explains she got pregnant with her during a threesome she had with Brendon Urie years ago, they are also connecting the dots that Girls/Girls/Boys could possibly be related to this night. Fans don't seem too happy about this, here are some tweets the Panic fans have on the situation."

After that article I clicked off and checked E! News which it was pretty much the same information. I had to stop reading and exited out and I forgot my phone has been on do not disturb mode all night, which means I've missed text messages. I had over 10 missed text messages that I haven't opened yet. I clicked on my texting app and looked through them. The first one is from Cole, who I wouldn't expect any less and a smile smile crept on my face when I've been starting to feel really low.

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