3. Draggadon Quest

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Lakitu: Previously, on Total Drama Mushroom Empire... Catapults and vegetables were the theme of the episode! Here, our players learned that hurling each other from catapults may be a good idea, the production team is too lazy to use medieval vegetables, and jokes can... hurt?! Dang, if that's the case, then I should've lost my job a LONG time ago, ha! Anyway, while Boom Boom and Spike bonded, Honey Queen created ripples with both Paratroopa and Pokey. Those ripples turned into tidal waves as she went through and made insensitive comments about each of her teammates, so much so that she ended up getting the boot! With our literal "Queen Bee" out of the picture, 12 contestants remain. Who's gonna fall victim to the mighty dragon of the game and who will rise from knight to royalty? Find out on today's episode of... Total, Drama, Mushroom, Empire!

(In the throne room...)

Red: Breakfast is served! *throws a bag of rice into the room*

Purple: Don't let it spill! I'll be responsible for cleaning that up later...

Para-Biddybud: Rice for breakfast?! I thought the winning team was supposed to eat big!

Funky: *scoops some rice in his hand and eats it* Well, better than nothin', I guess.

Para-Biddybud: Yeah, that's true. We COULD be sleeping in the dungeon again... that would be horrible.

Funky: True that! Hey, Mechakoopa, want some rice? *holds some rice for her*

Mechakoopa: ...

Funky: If ya don't want any, you can just– *pauses*

Para-Biddybud: ?

Funky: *holds up Mechakoopa and sees King K Rool's logo under her foot* Oh my...

Para-Biddybud: *under her breath* What?!

Confessional: Para-Biddybud: Did anyone else see that?! It wasn't just me, right?! King K. Rool's LOGO is on Mechakoopa's foot! No wonder she's head over heels for him. He BUILT her!

King K. Rool: Oh Funky, what are you doing with poor little Mechakoopa?

Funky: Um... I...

Para-Biddybud: *hides behind the pile of rice*

King K. Rool: Did you find something... perhaps... revealing?

Funky: Y-Yes, well, n-no, but–

King K. Rool: The correct answer is NO! You did not see anything, okay?! But if you did... we wouldn't want anything bad to happen to you, would we? *grins maliciously*

Funky: N-No. I didn't see anything, dawg. Nope.

King K. Rool: Good. And it'll stay that way, okay?

Funky: Yes sir...

Confessional: Funky: That was so freaky! Everyone knows that the basic food chain is crocodiles eat primates which eat bananas! I mean, I think that's true. What else would eat me that's as scary as King K. Rool?

Confessional: King K. Rool: Great. So now Funky knows about my creation. Luckily, I think I've scared him into keeping his mouth shut.

Confessional: Para-Biddybud: Oh my word... that just confirms it! But I can't tell anyone yet. If I tell the team that King K. Rool built Mechakoopa and is possibly hiding more secrets from us, he's gonna be after me for sure! And I'm like a bug compared to him...

(In the dungeon...)

Pokey: This place is so scary! I really hope we win the next challenge because I do NOT wanna end up spending the night here again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2021 ⏰

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