JK | Silent Treatment | 2

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Jungkook: What happened?

His tone was serious.

Y/N: Nothing.

I walk to the living room. I can hear his footsteps, following behind me. I'm the one who should get mad, not him. He takes my arm but I jerk away.

Jungkook: What the hell is wrong with you?!

He screamed this time. Wow, just wow.

Y/N: You want to know? Okay. You're tired, right?
Jungkook: What?
Y/N: You're tired because I've been clingy to you. Now, I'm just giving you space!

He surprised.

Jungkook: Y/N... did you hear e-everything?
Y/N: Yes. Why? You're going to tell me now that you didn't mean it? Sorry. You already hurt me.

My tears fall on my cheeks. He tries to hold my face but I take a step back.

Jungkook: Y/N, please. I seriously didn't mean it. I'm just tired. I love you. I love how you always been clingy to me.
Y/N: Just stop Jungkook. You told your friend. I heard it. I think I can't go on with this relationship.

I can't believe it I said that. But I know, this is what he wants. He just said that he didn't mean it because he pities me.

Y/N: I should go.

I turn away from him, take my phone on the couch and heading to the front door until someone pulls me into his arms.

Jungkook: No...

Is he crying?

Y/N: Jungkook.. I.
Jungkook: I can't. I'm sorry, baby. I know that you hurt. I hurt you. But I really didn't mean it. I love you so much. I can't live without you. I can't let you go. You're mine and will always be mine. I'm sorry for everything I said, please... don't leave me.

He's crying. This is the first time he cries in front of me. What did you do, Y/N?

Y/N: Don't cry. I..
Jungkook: I love you, baby. Please.

I sigh.

Y/N: Fine.

He releases me from his arms. I wipe his tears.

Y/N: I hate yo-

He stomps his lips on mine.

Jungkook: I don't care if you hate me, but I will always love you.

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