Chapter 42

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I know, I last update was a LOONG time ago but if you read my latest entry on 'The Sophomore Diaries' you'll know why.

Hope you enjoy this chapter!

P.S. Comment & Vote!!!!

Love you guys.


-N :)


"Hello?" I spoke into my phone. I was in the car, on my way home to get ready for the Senior Beach Bonfire later tonight. All of my messy friends were in the back seat, sitting on a plastic tarp of course, but all singing karaoke style to whatever came on the radio.

"Hey babe" He spoke.

It's been a week or two since Michael and I have had a date, or have been alone with each other. With everything that's going on, we are being superbly cautious.

"Hi" I smiled.

"How's my beautiful girlfriend doing?"

"She's missing her handsome boy-"

"Naty! Who are you talking to?" Chad yelled over the music.

I ignored Chad.

"Babe give me one second and I'll call you back." I sighed.

I drove to a restaurant and told my friends to order some lunch so we could eat at my house. I wanted a moment alone to speak with my love, my Romeo.

"Babe?" I spoke.

"I'm still here"

"Your beautiful girlfriend has been missing her handsome boyfriend, she wants to spend some time with him, she needs to see his adorable face and those mysterious sexy dark brown eyes of his." I said smiling, I could go on but I didn't.

"Then how about now? Let's spend some time with each other." He offered.

"I have the senior bonfire tonight." I sighed upset.

"I'll have you there in time baby."

Now what am I going to do with all of my gremlin friends that are expecting to go to my house....

"Um. Well I have to go home and shower cause I'm a sticky mess,"

"Okay just come by my place when you're done, I love you and only you Lozano."

"I love you more" I replied.

"Not possible" He tested.

"Yes possible, I do."

"There isn't anything big enough to scale even 1/3 of my love for you."

"There you go with your math" I laughed. "I love you so much Michael."

"See you later my love".

My friends were back now, with three bags of food that smelled so damn delicious, only I wouldn't be eating any of it... "Hey guys" I started. "something came up and I need to take care of it, I'll meet you guys at the bonfire, you are more than welcomed to still hang at my house with Rach and Ashton."

"Sounds good" Cam sang.

Thank you! I drove home quite faster then usual and threw my butt into that shower! I scrubbed my head to get out the paint, cheese and whatever else was in this birds nest on my head. The warm water tickled my skin at the arch of my back, a shower has never felt so good. I could hear my friends jumping on my bed, making sexual noises loud enough for me to hear over the shower water. My parents weren't home. "Oh yeah! Harder baby more!" I could hear Chad moan. All I could do was laugh, those were my sexually frustrated friends, and I love them. So to be funny, I started to moan back, occasionally banging my elbow on the shower wall. There was a pause and then I could hear the laughter that broke out in my room.

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