Chapter 43 Part 2

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Here is Part 2! Enjoy.

Just a warning... it does get steamy!

I warned you!

Btw it's not the longest because it's part 2!

The guilt was eating away at me. I know I did wrong, but it felt good. It felt normal. I am not a cheater.

I am not a cheater.

I am not a chea-

"Hey Natasha what's wrong?"

My thoughts were interrupted by his soothingly rich voice. He, Michael was laying in bed with me. I took a second to take in my surroundings, we were in his bed, at his house. I don't really remember coming over. My mind has been all over the place. He scooted closer to me, until our bodies were pressed comfortably against each other. He was the big spoon, and I was the little. I felt a sense of safeness laying here being spooned by this man that I am love with, so why did I act the way I did last night? I am just going to cancel with Marcus and spend the whole day with my love. "My mind is just all over the place right now" I answered taking his hand and placing it on my hip. He turned me around to face him.

"Shall I have the honor to, as they say, take your mind off of things?" He smiled. I nodded and let out a laugh.
"Oh how delightful dear" He continued.
"I'll start with this" He said as he cupped my face into his hands and went in softly for a sweet innocent peck on the lips.

I wanted more.

He then kissed down my jawline, knowing that drives me over the edge.
This feeling right here, is just what I needed to snap my self back to reality and appreciate the things I already have. Michael started to roam his hands all over me, I was wearing shorts and a small tank top. He started moving his hand up my inner thigh, but stopped right before, you know.... He massaged my inner thigh and whispered in my ear.

"Ready when you are" his breath tickled my ear.

Was I ready? To lose my virginity? Is he ready to lose his?

I grabbed his shirt collar and pulled him to me fiercely, sexily. I hungrily kissed his lips, now I know, I need these lips. Taking short breaths in between, I let him slide my tank top off of me and watched as he threw it.
Adrenaline became me at this point.
He quickly took his shirt off and did who cares with it. I was on my back, with my feet flat on the bed and my legs bent and open, as if I was going to do a sit up. Michael sat in between my legs and started kissing down my stomach. One kiss, Two kiss. He went on. He started to unbuckle his jeans, once those jeans were off I could see a bulge, I bit my lip and chuckled to myself. After a few minutes, I was in just my underwear and bra, while Michael was in his boxers. We still were in the same position, Michael started to lower his boxers slowly down his waist... My heart was racing, is this really going to happen?

He was naked. Naked and vulnerable.

He was big... He was ready.

Michael scooted closer to me opening my legs a bit wider, he held himself in his hands and helped me remove my underwear. My heart was really racing now. He was just about to enter me when this feeling of guilt came over me.
"Wait!" I shouted scooting back and closing my legs.

"What? What happened?" And the tears came. They just poured out of my eyes, uncontrollably. Michael came and sat next to me, holding me in his arms.
"If you're not ready, we don't have to, no pressure."

"It's not that Michael." I took a deep breath. Was I about to ruin this? Us? Mr.Allon and Natasha?

"Yesterday during the bonfire I kissed someone else" He got off of the bed and put his boxers back on.

"Babe" I tried,


He paced around the room and then sat at the edge of the bed, his back toward me. I got up and crawled over to him.
"I'm sorry." I said laying my head on his bear shoulder. His breathing got heavier. "Natasha" He started, "Why"

"It just happened."

"How could you do this!" He stood up angered. "Did it mean anything to you?" I held my breath. "Huh! Did it mean anything?!" He shouted. I finally nodded my head yes. "How selfish of you!" He yelled. I was furious at this point, hurt and furious. "I'm the selfish one?!" I shouted. "All I wanted was one normal teenage night!"

"So you call going around kissing boys a normal teenage night?!"

"It was only one boy and he kissed me! You know what!" I shouted, "I'm glad he kissed me! I've been so caught up in keeping us, this lie, a secret that I haven't had any chance to just enjoy my senior year! My last year in high school!"

"This lie?"

"Yes, lying around to my family and most of my friends, pretending! I don't want to pretend or hide anymore! I'm tired of it Michael, I'm so tired of it."

We were both heated.

"Then why don't we end this lie." He spoke softly.

"Are you saying...?" I mumbled loud enough to hear. "Natasha" He walked over to me. "I think we should take a break until you graduate and get things figured out."

"A break?" My chest was aching right now, he wants to 'take a break'. I was so angry, he was so angry, does he even mean this or is it the anger talking?
"It was just a kiss" I said.

"Go enjoy your last few days as a high school student. Spend time with your friends, take care of you." Mr.Allon said softly.

"Mich-" I started. "It's Mr.Allon from now on, at least until you graduate." He interrupted.

I walked over to the bed and put my clothes back on. How did I even get here?

"Did I come in my car?" I asked.

"No, I can't take you hom-"

"I'll walk."

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