3. Probability

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"Ma, the brownies are ready." I shouted from the kitchen as I took them out of the oven. They smelt delicious and looked dense. The time I had taken to beat the eggs had paid off as the crust of the brownie was crisp yet soft with cracks and the sponge was moist almost leaving the centre molten. I was proud of myself

I left it in the tray on the table to quickly change & get ready. My mum and I were heading to the Hemmings' for dinner. We ate dinners together every two weeks and it had become one of my favourite things since we had shifted to Sydney. My mother and I always looked forward to it.

My mother and I walked to their door and knocked. Upon the door being opened, Liz greeted us cheerfully.

I followed them to the kitchen.

"I made brownies." I grinned at Liz when she looked at the glass box in my hands.

"That looks amazing, Rhea. Can't wait to serve these after dinner. Ben, Jack & Luke are in the Living room. Why don't you join them?"

I nodded and made my way to the living room to see Jack & Luke Hemmings, The Luke Hemmings in flesh. I took a deep breath and walked in.

"Hey Rhea." Ben waved as I walked in, he gestured me to come sit beside him on the sofa. The TV was turned on but kept on mute. Jack & Luke were having a heated discussion about something, so intense that they still hadn't noticed me walk or Ben greet me.

"It's been going on for the last 10 minutes now. They're discussing who's going to win today's test cricket."

"Oh yea, I watched a little bit of England's innings in the afternoon. They were good, exceptional batting."

"Right? England was exceptional, right. That's what I have been telling Jack all day." Luke turned around in exasperation and looked at me as he pointed at Jack. But his expression softened a little as he looked at me.

I swallowed. "Hi, I'm Rhea" I put my hand forward for him to shake.

He slowly shook my hand, his eyes still looking at me. "I'm Luke. And you agree that Australia did a shitty job with the bowling, right?" He immediately reverted to the way he had spoken before.

I took a second to process and I saw him staring at me, waiting for my response.

"I won't exactly call it shitty." I started off. Jack smiled at me triumphantly.

"Are you even rooting for us, Luke?" Jack questioned.

"Yes, but I am being practical and-"

"I don't think you can get practical with a sport like cricket. It's an emotion and you can't get practical with emotions. And lets wait and watch, Australia is a robust team." I spoke up.

"That's my girl." Jack leaned over and gave me a high five and I smiled at him.

Ben's phone rang and he excused himself & left. In a little bit Jack left too because he wanted to go get a chilled beer and that left Luke & I alone in the room.

"So, how was your tour?" I tried to make small talk with Luke. There wasn't any awkward silence because we could hear the commentary of the match but it was strange to sit with someone for this long.

"It was great, I really enjoy being with the band and doing live shows." He answered casually, his eyes temporarily making eye contact with mine.

After a few seconds past, he looked over at me. "What about you? What do you do?"

"I am finishing year 12 right now." I said nervously. I didn't have anything cool to say, which sucked. No actually his question sucked. I closed my eyes because I totally sounded lame and he didn't even respond.

I opened my eyes to see him staring at me with raised brows. "That's cool. What do you plan to do next year?" He lowered the volume of the TV & faced me.

Okay maybe I didn't completely sound stupid. Maybe I should just stop overthinking so much. He too is just a person at the end of the day. Or maybe he is just trying to be nice and make small talk.

"I haven't quite decided yet. I just know that whatever it is, it will not involve numbers. That's for sure." I shook my head.

He chuckled at my response and I felt a little better.

"Wow, so you really don't like maths."

"I so don't. I mean it's so demanding as a subject I hate it. The day before I had to do some question about calculating the volume by the formula, then yesterday they made me derive that same formula, today it's like calculate it with integration cause why the fuck not & tomorrow there'll be a question about finding the distance between mars and the earth by just using your fingers. Like what is up with that, dude."  I rambled about my hatred towards maths. And honestly for some weird reason I felt less nervous, more comfortable.

Luke cracked up. "Oh my God, for someone who really dislikes the subject, you sure do know a lot about it. And that was pretty accurate. And I agree with you except I actually enjoyed Maths."

"People who enjoy Maths are insane." I rolled my eyes at him and liked the sudden comfort I felt.

"Mum's calling, its time for dinner." Ben announced & left. I picked up my phone and stood up & so did Luke.


"Holy shit, the brownies are phenomenal. Rhea, wow. I think I am getting a foodgasm." Ben moaned as he scarfed down the brownies on his plate. 

"The texture is so brilliant. You got the centre perfectly." Jack added.

"Thanks guys." I smiled. The boys & I were sitting in front of the television after dinner and eating the brownies I had made.

"They're actually really good." Luke pointed his spoon in my direction.

I finished chewing & replied with a 'thanks'.

"Rhea, you've got some chocolate on the corner of your mouth." Jack pointed out and I suddenly felt embarrassed as all three of them looked over at me. My fingers immediately flew to my mouth and I wiped it.

"Is it gone now?" I asked and Jack burst out laughing. I pouted at him. I kept my plate on the side and walked to the mirror beside the TV. I noticed the mark and sighed. I walked to the kitchen and got a tissue to wipe it.

"She's... interesting." I heard Luke just as I was about to enter the living room.

"Yes. And she's cute too, right?" That was Jack. I felt my cheeks heat a little.

"Jack, shut up. I know what you're trying to do." Ben snubbed Jack. Wait, what was he trying to do? I didn't hear any response from Luke after that and I decided that was a good time to walk in.

"Well, I am going to get going. I have soccer practice in the morning tomorrow." I announced as I walked in. "Bye guys." I looked at Ben and Jack sitting on the same sofa.

"Nice meeting you, Luke." I smiled at him one last time & turned on my heel to leave.

"Okay, kind of." I heard Luke just as they thought I was out of their earshot.

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