Chapter 8~ Strangely Familiar

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Melody's POV

I stepped out of the portal, the two demons following me. I sighed contently, walking into the kitchen. Dark and Anti followed me, not sure what else to do.

"Make yourselves at home, boys," I said, as I started putting cat food into my cat's food bowls. The wet food hit the bowl with a disgustingly satisfying 'plop'.

"That sounds disgusting," Anti said.

"It looks as gross as it sounds, but Binx and Jinx love it."

"Binx and Jinx are your familiars, yes?" Dark asked.

"Yup. Jinx is my social girl and Binx is my protective boy. He may swipe at you if he comes home and you're here, fair warning."

"What do they look like?" Anti questioned.

"They're both solid black with green eyes, but Jinx has a deep purple collar and Binx has a green one," I answered before putting the bowls down and joining the curious demons at the table.

"That must get confusing," Dark commented.

"Not really. They may look the same but they couldn't be more different in personality. Jinx is friendly, curious, a bit vocal and loves pets and snuggles while Binx is protective, untrusting, and observant. And he hates getting petted by anyone but me."

"A mama's boy, huh?" Anti asked.

"Most male familiars tend to be, yeah. It's fine though, Binx is a good boy. He's just... rough around the edges," I shrugged.

"But what about you?" Dark asked.

"What about me?"

"Well, are you a good girl?"

"I can be. I try to be, but sometimes ya just gotta bash in a skull, ya'know?"

"I so get that," Anti replied, nodding softly.

"So what about you? Who are your hosts?"

"Our hosts are YouTubers," Anti told me.

"Oh, yeah? Who?"

"Markiplier and Jacksepticeye," Dark answered.

"I've heard of them, but I've never watched them. That would explain why I didn't recognize you."

"So you are intelligent," Dark chuckled.

"Yes, I am. I just act dumb. Makes it easier to blend in sometimes. And by your tone, I take it you don't care for your hosts?"

"Not in the slightest. They use us for YouTube videos; mocking us."

"Well, that sucks. Nobody should be used like that."

"I'm glad you agree. So I have a question for you," Dark started.

"What's that?"

"Where in Transmonia are you from?"

"I'm from Transmere, Transmonia. Kingston, to be exact. Why? Trying to figure out what kind of Transmonian witch I am?"

"Yes, but Kingston you say? Did you work for the royal family?" Dark asked.

"No, I uh... I may or may not be the crown princess of Transmonia. So..."

"I thought the Transmonian royal family's last name was 'Firestar'?" Anti asked, confused.

"It is. I took my father's name when I came to Earth since Firestar comes from my mother's side of the family and Transmonians typically take the woman's name when they marry."

"And why did you come to Earth?" Dark asked.

"I wanted a change. I wanted to explore humanity and learn from its mistakes so I don't make the same ones after I'm coronated."

"Well, isn't that noble," Anti said.

"I guess," I said as I felt something furry brush up against my legs. "Oh, there you two are. I was wondering where you went," I told my cats who had taken to the wet food I had mixed with hard food. They finished it quickly and true to her nature, Jinx walked over to Anti and Dark. She rubbed up against them, purring the whole time.

"Well, hello there. I don't typically like cats, but you are a fascinating creature," Anti said, picking her up. Jinx just kept purring.

"Binx, come here boy," I cooed, trying to get the stubborn cat to be a bit social.

"He doesn't seem to want to come over here," Dark said, a smirk on his face. I narrowed my eyes and turned them back to Binx. I summoned him, knowing he couldn't refuse me that time, and sure enough, he came over to me before sitting down and glaring at me like a teenager glares at his mom for making him do the dishes.

"What? Are you really that mad I'm making you be social?" I asked him. He looked at Dark and Anti before hissing at them and running off. "Guess he was that mad. Huh, weird. He's usually not that bad."

"It's fine. I'm far more interested in you anyway," Dark said, turning his attention to me after watching my familiar run away.

"Ok, that was smooth as fuck. I applaud you. And what do you want to know?"

"What kind of witch are you?"

"An ultimate powerhouse," I answered.

"So you're telling me that you have fire, air, water, earth and spirit magic?"

"And then some. I'm also a mimic and I have death magic. Basically, I can revive people from the dead and kill other people with my mind, something no other witch has done before, no matter the rumors. I'm special," I shrugged.

"I thought you sounded familiar. You were in Hell a few months ago, yelling at King Lucifer, weren't you?"

"Yes, I was. You heard that huh?"

"Yup, we did!" Anti piped up, still fascinated by Jinx, who was just loving the attention.

"Well huh. I thought we were alone."

"We were intrigued by the woman who dared yell at the Devil. We heard you scream that 'the death magic was growing stronger than normal and that you had no idea why, but you suspected it had something to do with disappearances.' I still don't understand what it was about," Dark explained.

"Well, people go missing from L.A. all the time, but people from a Wiccan coven are going missing and my magic is being boosted by something. I think they're related somehow."

"How do you know it's from a specific coven?" ANti asked.

"Because they're regulars at 'A Taste Of Home' and other members are worried."

"So what are you going to do?" Dark asked.

"I have no idea, but I need to do something. My friends are going missing and I have the ability to stop it."

"Why don't we help you?" Anti suggested.

"Why would you do that?" I asked.

"Because you seem to genuinely care about these particular pitiful humans, and that's admirable. And besides, we could be helpful," Dark answered.

"Well, that would be appreciated. Thank you," I smiled.

"It's not a big deal," Anti shrugged.

"It is to me. Ok, so meet me at the Park at say 4:30?"

"Sounds good. Are we still..?" Dark started to ask.

"On for one on one at 2:30? Yes. You got two hours of just me," I winked.

"This shit's gonna be awesome!" Anti screeched, causing both Dark and I to cover our ears.

"Not if you deafen both of us," Dark groaned.


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