A Fight Well Fought

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Collecting the last of the lynel parts and sluggishly standing up Link let out a groan, feeling his body weaken with every breath he takes. Link is used to killing things, bokonoblins, moblins, hinoxs'- but Link was never accustomed to Lynels; their size, speed and strength was a real challenge for Link, which was rare for him.

Hoisting the sack of Lynel parts and the odd few gems it spits out upon death, Link made his way down Shatterback Point and slowly making his way into the Zora's Domain once again. The Zora region was both beautiful and unpleasant. The constant wetness and soggy socks made Link hesitate ever going back there- but the waterfalls and luminescent kingdom was an amazing sight to be seen, it was one of Links main reasons for going there aside from buying and selling.

A few Zoras waved and gave Link a smile as he walked the Great Zora Bridge- Link would usually smile back but his main focus was to report back to Sidon, the Zora Prince, that the Lynel was no more. Link didn't want to collapse from blood loss before reporting back to the Prince, so he carried on.

Making his way up slippery stairs, his breaths heavy and his body extremely weak, he headed for Sidon. Sidon was somewhat different from the other Zoras, his height towering over Link, his scales were a warm red and a creamy white- from his scales to his tail Sidon was a very interesting Zora- at least to Link he was. Every time Sidon spoke with Link he would always have incredible enthusiasm, at times it annoyed Link, as he was never able to tell what Sidon was really thinking, but, Link enjoyed Sidon's voice and the wide, toothy smile he'd always give Link.

"Ah, Link my friend! You've returned!" Sidons cheery voice knocked Link out of his train of thought. The Prince speed-walked up to the small Hylian. "So, were you successful in defeating that awful creature?!" Sidon's fore-fins bobbed as he spoke with such enthusiasm.

"I managed to kill the Lynel, it wont bother you until the next blood moon" Link signed to Sidon, his hands trembled a tad bit as he got used to signing again after a difficult battle. Sidons golden eyes were filled with such glee, he swooped Link up and squished him between his giant arms, almost crushing the small Hylian- forcing Link to let out a groan of pain as he felt his already  broken ribs break more in Sidons grasp.

Sidon placed Link down and was going to give Link the usual 'You're amazing!' talk when he noticed Link was grasping his side, crimson red slowly spreading throughout his blue tunic. Link had only healed his wounds temporarily, he had no time in between fighting the Lynel and getting back to the Zora Domain to sit down and heal himself thoroughly.

Sidon was flooded with concern and knelt down to the Hylians height, resting his hand on Links shoulder. "Link- are you alright?" Sidon spoke with a soft voice, something Link rarely hears.

"I'm fine, just a bit sore" Link signed to Sidon, letting a sharp hiss escape his mouth as he attempts to remove his hand from his side. "You're clearly not, my friend" Sidon looked Link up and down. "I shall take you to my quarters and have you healed and well rested" Using a soft voice, Sidon proceeded to try and pick the Hylian up, but Link stepped back. "You don't need to do that- I can cook up some hearty raddish and—" Link signed as quick as he can to try and convince Sidon that he was fine, but that Zora was stern, and he picked Link up, carefully placing his hands around the Hylians body as he moved his way up another set of stairs.

Link didn't bother fighting, he couldn't anyways- his body didn't allow it. Links body sunk into Sidons arms, his scales were both rough and soft, depending on the colour and area. Link enjoyed not using his feet for once. Sidon looked down at the small Hylian in his arms, their eyes met for a moment before Sidon looked away focusing on both making it to his quarters and not dropping Link.

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