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Aaron's POV

"Screw this, why can't we just kill it already?" Skye asked impatiently

"Shhhh!!! Don't let it hear you!!" I exclaimed in a whisper

"Well, we are just standing out here doing nothing, just watching this thing walk around in circles." She whispered

"We're examining it, seeing what it does." I said

We were hiding behind a broken down, torn to pieces, SUV. Watching as a biter walked in circles. Skye was my impatient best friend. She liked to kill those things on the spot. Not watch it for hours.

I sighed "Go ahead and kill it. It's not helping is any."

She smirked and Unsheathed her pocket knife, walking over behind the biter and stabbing it in the head, killing it instantly.

She jerked the knife out of it's head and examined the knife for a moment. She took it and wiped the blood off of the knife and into the sleeve of her pitch black leather jacket.

I stood up and brushed the dirt off of me. Picking up my bow from the ground. Skye walked over to me and patted my shoulder with a sly grin plastered on her face.

I rolled my eyes "let's go back to the house."

She nodded and we both walked back to the house, side by side and making sure no biters followed us.

We arrived at the house and walked up on the porch. We were greeted by my boyfriend Chris coming out of the door. He smiled and hugged me.

"Where have you two been all day?" He asked

"Watching a biter. It was fun!" Skye said sarcastically.

"It was my idea, I just wanted to examine it. But Ms. Impatient here couldn't wait to kill it." I said

"Well, did you find anything out?" Chris asked

I shook my head "No, sadly."

I looked up and the sky and saw it turning to a bright orange. Indicating late evening.

"We better get inside and lock up for the night." I said

Chris and Skye nodded and walked inside. I looked behind me and there was a biter in the middle of the street. It looked at me and started limping toward me.

I grabbed my bow and an arrow and loaded my bow. I aimed straight at it's head. I shot my bow and the arrow lodged itself in the biters head. It fell to it's knees then fell completely fell.

I lowered my bow and smirked, walking into the house and closing the door behind me.



So guys, this is my first zombie story! Awesome right? I'm sorry if this is a little short I will make up for it in future chapters.

But, I hope you like it!

Bless your face, if you sneezed while reading this bless you! Peace off!




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