The accident

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As me and Zoey walked down the street to her boyfriends house I felt rage building in me. I had an urge itching saying over and over in my head and all it said was"kill". I tried pushing the thought away but it was like someone was yelling it. We reached there house and a feeling crossed my heart I felt like killing." What's going on why do I feel like this." I guess I zoned out cause zoey started yelling at me and sally started pulling at my hoody."Jack. Jack. Hello." She yelled." Huh yeah." I asked." Are you okay?" She looked at me worried and so did sally." Jacky what's wrong?" Sally asked." Nothing just kinda mad...." I said zoning off.

I saw her boyfriend at his porch with another girl the girl was on his lap flirting with him. Zoey seeing this covered her mouth trying not to cry. I held her closer to comfort her and she cried in my arms." Oh hey look who came back. Wait who's the bitch?" He asked looking at me." Who's the girl?" I asked getting that feeling again." Oh she's my girlfriend." He said pointing to the girl on his lap. The feeling exploded on me and I let go of zoey and ran after the guy. I ripped the girl off his lap and tackled the guy to the ground. I could tell I caught him off guard cause he gasped and tried hard not to fall. I just jumped on him and started punching him on the ground.

He tried to stop me but I just kept pounding on him punching him over and over. I didn't notice the bottle in his hand and he swung and hit my eyes and left broken glass in my eyes. I fell back and screamed in so much pain." Ahhh.." I was cut of bye someone kicking me of him and then I felt kicking.someone kept kicking me." You leave him alone." I heard sally's little voice yell. I heard the guy laugh then screamed in pain and died. And then I blacked out.

Sally's P.O.V


I was in the woods playing when I heard something like a door open and slam shut. It was a guy he was wearing all black and he had brown hair and green eyes. He looked really cute even Nina might like him whether he was human or not. I noticed he dropped something and he didn't notice and walked into the woods. I went to see it was keys I wasn't in the mood to kill so I deicided to give them back to him. I started running in after him and I stepped on a stick and he bolted. So I ran faster and tried to catche up t him when I did he turned around." Hey who are you and why are you stalking me." He asked me." I'm Sally.

I looked up at him and looked at his green eyes they were so cute on him."I'm sally and I wasn't stalking you I was trying to give you these."I said showing him the keys. He quickly checked himself and took the keys back." Thanks I guess I dropped them." He thanked me and started walking again. I followed him and after awhile and then he stopped and so did I." Uh sally?" He called me." Yeah." I asked." Why are you following me?" He asked." Why was I following him? I mean I don't know him but I might as well hang out with." I felt my face get warm." Uh well I don't have any friends or family. Uh can I stay with you." I asked him.

He just starred at me and then he sighed." Come on I can skip one day off school." He said and grabbed my hand. We walked a couple ways and then we walked in his house I sorta ran in and automatically started jumping on the couch. He walked in and turned the TV on and walked up stairs. I heard him move around and the water turn on." Guess he is taking a shower." I thought and sneaked up stairs and walked in the bathroom I took his blue T-shirt and put it on." I wonder if he's like Jeff. I love doing this." I thought and walked out. I walked into his room and looked around and saw a picture and it looked like him and his parents and he's smiling.

I heard the water turn off and I walked out and he caught me wearing his shirt." Why are you wearing my shirt." He asked me." Oh my god he is waaaaay to sexy to be human and at that age he's fucking hot. He has perfect body abbs and muscles." I thought I know I was blushing." Oh my God your sexy how are you that muscular." I asked in awe." I do free run now give me my shirt. As if reading my mind I bolted down the stairs but he fucking ran on the wall and backfliped in front of me."shit." I thought and crawled under him and ran off. I heard the door bell rang and then I heard someone say Jack." Is that his name." I said under my breath.

One minute later he came back with a girl." So zoey what brings you here?" Jack asked his eyes relaxed and looked at the girl." Uhhhh do they know each other?" I thought. They both exchanged looks and Jacks eyes widen and Jack looked at me." Shit. Sally can you give us a moment?" He asked. Understanding him I left them alone and went to his room and sat on his bed. After a couple minutes Jack came up and grabbed his hoody. Something happened and it wasn't good he looked....mad. As he tied his shoes I looked in his eyes yep he was mad cause in those eyes was a wildfire and a wolf out for blood.

After he tied his shoes he walked down stairs and I followed him. He grabbed Zoeys hand and walked out the door and we all left. We were walking down the street for half an hour when I looked at Jack." Wow he's still mad. Wonder what got to him?" I thought. I looked at him and he seemed lost in thought cause he didn't notice zoey calling his name. Zoey practically yelled his name and I started tugging on him he shot me a look and I gasped a bit. He had the same blood thirst eyes as Jeff the killer. We reached a house and the next thing ik zoey is crying cause her ex cheated on her. And then Jack ended up beating him I just watched. The guy grabbed a bottle and smashed it in Jacks eyes.. The guy ended up beating poor blind Jack. I told the guy to leave him alone and pulled my knife out from behind my Teddy bear and stabbed the guy non stop.

I ran to Jacks body he was out cold and bleeding I didn't know what to do. SLENDY. He'll know what to do." SLENDY. COME OUT IK YOUR HERE PLEASE HE NEEDS HELP I NEED YOUR HELP...." I yelled and waited. I heard static from behind me and turned around and hugged slendy." What is it child. And what happened to him?" Slendy asked me." Like hell you don't know!" I blurted." Hmmm. Let's deal with this home my dear." He said touching me and Jacks shoulder and the next thing I knew we were in the living room back at slender mansion. I saw both Ben and Jeff jump and I let out a laugh. The next thing ik I was being caught in a bear hug by everyone.Ben, Jeff, Nina, hoody, masky, smile dog licked my face and even Toby came out and joined in. I felt happy till laughing Jack rudely reminded me why I came back." Hey who's the ass on the floor." He said laughing everyone looked and I ran over to Jack." You shut your mouth his name is Jack and he needs help." I said. Everyones mouth dropped when I said that cause we all were immortal demons and killers and we hated mortals.

" Please slendy help him." I said looking at slendy and he sighed and we all looked at him." Sally I'm afraid there is only one thing I can do." Slendy said. Knowing all to well what he was gonna do....he was gonna turn Jack into a creepypasta.

( OOOOOOHHHH what wil slendy do will he turn him or have Jeff kill him. Nah you guys know I just want to say thank you guys and wow this ended up being a long chapter. Well please read and make others read it to leave a comment if you think I should add more creepypasta characters. Name who and why that creepypasta should be in here. Anyway please spread my book please spread my book PLEASE. And yeah hoped you enjoyed leave a comment and oh kik me

Faith.1988 <---- that's my kik please kik me and share some ideas or just text me and we can talk later guys. Ultimate bro fist.)

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