First Day

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Jacks P.O.V


As I woke up from my annoying as alarm I got up and turned it off. As I did I stared out and looked out my window and gasped remembering it's my first day of school. Practically falling off my bed I quickly jumps in the shower brushed my teeth and got dress. I put on my black jeans black shoes and blue T-shirt."where the fuck is my hoody!!!!!!" I thought grumbling looking under my bed and in my closet and saw my favorite black hoody on my chair at my desk. I quickly grabbed it and put it on ane walked down stairs.

As I walked down stares I was greeted with the smell of bacon eggs and French toast. The smell made my mouth water as I walked in and sat down my mom passed me a plate and kissed my head."morning sweety." My mom greeted me with a warm smile. I looked her and smile."morning Mom." I said to her and shoving food in my mouth. There was nothing better then your moms cooking the food taste was blissful. Finishing my breakfast I got ready and grabbed my backpack and walked outside and started walking to the hell hole they call school. As I walked I started thinking about my dad.when I looked up I saw my local bullies waiting for me." Oh great don't these ass wholes have anything better to do. Like for fucks sake get a life!!!!" I thought to myself.

As I walked by they starting following me and talking trash about me." He look it's our favorite emo. What's wrong Jack ass can't little Momma's boy gonna cry." The first kid sayed. They taunted me and punched me around but one think caught my attention that I will make them regret." Ha guess that's why your dad left you couldn't stand having a kid like you and just killed himself." The third kid said. I let my book back dropped and turned my dark green eyes on them. I ran straight for the third kid and punched hin in the face. He fell back and the other two started punching me and kicking me down I tackled the first and got on his stomach and started repeatedly punching him in the face the third guy and second guy got up and little kid me off and threw down and kept pounding me I grabbed the second guys leg and flipped him to his back. As he fell I uppercuted the third guy and started stomping on the second.

At that moment a crowd had formed and chanted for us to fight." Ass wholes." I thought as I was about to punch the first guy again I felt big strong arms grab me and pull me back. As I looked back to see who held me back fear replaced my rage." Ahhh shit. Not him anyone but him! I'd even prefer the God damn nurse. But noooo it has to be the principle!" I thought in fear. As I starred at him I started but he quickly stop me and me a look a" don't even try it" looks." Young man I'd prefer you had your fights at home or after school." The principle said very sternly." Now let's go have a talk and maybe your mother would like to join us?" He said assuring me he WILL call my mom.

As he dragged me away I looked back and the bullies crying and bleeding. I smiled." Maybe now they'll leave me alone?" I thought as I watched I noticed my backpack there on the floor right where I left it. I tried to get it but the principle just dragged me inside as we walked he sat me down in a chair and made me wait. About an hour passed when my mom walked in and was about to yell but her mouth dropped when she saw me.

I just sat there with ripped clothes a cut on my lip and eye blood dripping from my mouth and the back off my head." Oh my god what happened?" She asked ready to cry." Hey mom sorry I was walking to school when some guys that bully me started talking trash about me I ignored them all the way to school until one of them....mentioned Dad....." I told her looking away from her. She sat next to me and hugged me and I hugs back and slowly began to cry." Why Dad why did it have to be him why did he just have to die why did they kill him why hi-" My mom presses her finger on my lips and then help me." Why did it have to be him why did he have to leave us all alone and die?" I thought crying and I started thinking back at that day.

( 5 years ago. )

" Hey Jack give me a hand with this." My dad called me. I ran downstairs to help my dad put the luggage in the taxi cab." Thanks kid Ik tomorrow is your birthday and your gonna be 13 but I got to go look after your mom." He said sadly and kisses my head and kissed my mom. He got into the cab and drove off. The next morning I woke up and walked downstairs and to my surprise I saw her crying. I walked over and noticed the news was on so I watched it." Breaking news a man was killed yesterday when he was on his way to a business trip this mad was stabbed multiple times." The women said and they showed a picture of the victim. My eyes shot wide and saw it dad. Tears swelled in my eyes and I began to cry.....)

(present time)

After a couple minutes me and my mom left and went home. As we got home I got out the car and walked in and walked up the stairs and plopped on my bed staring at a picture of me my mom and dad. Images of us playing and laughing when I was little flashed in my head. I pulled my iPod out set the song to riot by three days grace put the head phones on and cried myself to sleep.

( Hey guys this is the second time writing a book like this but it's a little different. If you liked please subscribe. If it was amazing share this with your friends and if it was awesome then vote and share the book with your friends please help me out I need reads and votes and I only had this app for a month. If you want to text me my kik is faith.1988 so kik me laters guys brofist.)

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