Battle of the Brothers

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Previously:  Not wanting others to see his promised one naked. He then pointed to Goku's upper and inner thigh and low and behold.

It was the mark, Rodrick's mark.

Vegeta was livid.  Kakarrot the one he had been hoping to mate with since he found out he was still alive was claimed by his bastard of an older brother. Why had his father lied to him about Kakarrot? There were so many questions Vegeta wanted to ask but they for a dead man.

So no answers would be given.

Rodrick pulled Goku's pants back up and let him go. Goku scrambled away from Rodrick more embaressed he has ever been in his entire life. "Um Goku are you alright"? Krillin asked him.

Goku cleared his throat and willed red hue dusting his cheeks away. "Yea Krillin I'm fine. Why"? He responded to his best friend. "Well you were making out with that guy then he practically stripped you naked for the whole world to see that's why". Krillin said.

The blush that Goku had got to go away came back ten-fold. "Mhm I've never seen you blush so much in my life. In fact I've never seen you blush Goku and I've known you most of your life". Master Roshi said.

Goku was about to respond the old hermit when someone yelled. "I challenge you brother for the right to claim Kakarrot as my own"! Vegeta yelled. Everyone gaped. (Info Time Peps: When a Saiyan beta is marked and desired by another alpha that alpha has the right to challenge and battle against the other alpha to place his mark and eventfully claim that beta. Who ever loses is seen as unworthy and cannot make a challenge for the same alpha again unless that alpha loses to another. Then the can challenge the new alpha.)

Rodrick smirked was so wide you could see his pointed canines. "You have never won a battle against me little brother. What makes you think you can win now"? Rodrick asked Vegeta. Vegeta grit his teeth so hard you could hear them grinding.

"Just what the hell do you think your doing Vegeta. You are still married to me"! Bulma yelled ready to rip him a new one.

"Shut-up woman. I never loved you"!Vegeta yelled. Bulma gasped and tears poured from her eyes. Chichi and 18 comforting her.

"I see you heart is still made of stone, wait that's right you never had a heart little brother". Rodrick teased Vegeta. (because Vegeta was always cold hearted as a child)

"Kakarrot will me mine brother". Vegeta said angrily at his brothers comment.

"No, no he won't". Rodrick said back.

Goten walked up to his father and pulled his pant leg. Goku looked down at his mini-me.

"Why are they gonna fight for you, cant they just share like me and Gohan"? Goten asked. Goku wanted to coo at his son's adorable and innocent question. Trunks came up to Goten. "They want to make your dad their wife Goten. Why would they wanna share"? Trunks answered Goten's question. Goku blushed.

"Your boy is a smart one brother". Rodrick said. Vegeta grunted. "Will you accept the challenge or not. I'd rather you'd not". He said. (Info time agian: When a alpha is challenged and declines it they forfet all rights and claims towards that beta to the other alpha.)

"Now why would I wanna do that." Rodrick said. They both got into fighting stances.

"It will be the battle of brothers, Vegeta". Rodrick said in a serious tone.

"Indeed it will brother". Vegeta said with same amount of seriousness.

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