Part 1

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Our story starts on a normal day in the life of a blue Alicorn named Dragon Haze. He was on the way to visit his friend, Banana Split.

"WHO'S THERE!?!?!?!?" Banana Split bellowed, as Dragon Haze was about to enter.

"It's just me."

"Oh." Banana Split opened the door. "I can't do anything today, I'm having trouble with my new cat, Funny-Face. She's putting all kinds of weird spells all over everything. So far, my bathtub's full of meatloaf, my couch is a piggy bank, and all of the lightbulbs are spewing out mashed potatoes and gravy! I wouldn't want her doing anything to you."

"I could help you catch her, if you like."

"Are you sure Dragon Haze? She can do some strange spells."

"Positive. I can always just cast a counterspell if anything goes wrong."

After a couple hours of cat chasing, the house had become even stranger. Banana Split's bed was now walking down the street asking ponies for pie. A couple of concerned neighbors had come to the door so that they could help, only to find that there was no door. In its place, was a giant radio, playing the Macarena on a loop.

In this confusion, Dragon Haze had finally cornered the cat.

"I think I've got her!" Dragon Haze shouted. "Quick, grab her ca- AAAUUGGHHHH!!!!"

"Are you alright????? What happened????" Banana Split came zipping in with Funny-Face's cage. She found Dragon Haze huddled in the corner, looking terrified.

"What did she do to me? My neck is really burning," He whimpered.


"Is that all?"

"It looks like it...." Banana Split trailed off, for right before her eyes, Dragon Haze's horn was slowly morphing into a pickle. Before she could stop herself, she burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" Dragon Haze looked worried.

"Your horn.... It's a pickle!!"

"That's not funny! This really hurts!" Dragon Haze was on the verge of tears.

"I'm sorry Dragon Haze. Didn't you say something about a counter spell?

"How am I supposed to do a counter spell without a proper unicorn horn?"

"Good point. Maybe the fire will be easy to put out...."

They tried every way to put out a fire known to pony kind. Banana Split dumped a bucket of water on it, used a fire extinguisher, and even flew to the store to get a few special potions. Nothing worked.

"Well.... I guess I'll look in the address book for a doctor," Banana Split said.


"I think the address said that he lives here....". Banana Split stopped, because up the driveway where a house should be, there was a blue box, not even big enough to fit a pony in. In front of the box, there was a brown stallion wearing a suit and a gray Pegasus, arguing over what looked like a muffin.

"Would it be rude to interrupt them?" Dragon Haze whispered.

"EXCUSE ME? MR. DOCTOR, SIR!" Banana Split yelled.

"Oh, Derpy, put the muffin away.....YES? Do come in!" The stallion gestured toward the box behind him.

"How the hay are we supposed to fit in there?? Let's just talk outside." Banana Split said. "So, Doctor, there was an accident involving a cat, and now my friend's hair is permanently on fire, and," she stifled a giggle,"His horn's a pickle." She gestured towards Dragon Haze.

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