Chapter 5 Almost Found Out?

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  *Author's  Note:  Mask  photo credit goes to (also can be seen on pinterest).

       Four days later, Easter will be here in just a few more days.  This is thought that runs through her mind while she works hard on homework.  She feels as if she misses something. Well, no matter she will find out soon enough !  She finishes her test earlier than everyone else, so she draws for a bit. She knows she does not draw well.

      Bring, bring, bring...the school bell rings to draw the close to another day!  She gets up with excitement and hurries into the girls locker room. She changes her outfit, brushes her hair, pulls it up into a small ponytail, adds the mask and hoodie and grabs up her bag.  She tip toes over to the window and climbs out.  She enjoys the nice breeze on her face as the wind blows gently against her.  

      To say Kagami, is not happy to see him when she reaches the park is an understatement!  She sees Luka and thinks that perhaps she has a chance with him.  She pinches herself.  She thinks, wait he has a date with me in  a few days, but has no idea who he will even be with anyway.  She wonders how much longer she can pull the whole thing off.

    Luka grins when he sees her.  He still has no idea that the girl behind the blue, glittery mask is the same one he told off months ago.  He just knows he likes her.  He can not get why.  He sees her daily, yet something tells him there is a fact about her he misses.  He wishes he knew what it was maybe then he could finally convince her to let him see her without the mask.  He sighs.  

    He smiles more.  He approaches her from behind.  He hugs her.  He can not believe this.  He the boy, no man who swore off women since he was broken up over a girl who dumps him now has an interest in someone new?   In someone he can not wait to see!  He thinks the very idea is laughable. 

   "Hey, so how are you?"  Luka ask.

    "Good, what about you?"  Blue Shadow wants to know.

    "I am great now that you are here!  I mean g-good."  Luka says. He blushes since the slip up that came from his mouth.  What is it about her that intrigues him so much?  

     "Luka, you know, you are one fortunate guy."  Blue Shadow says.

     "Yes, I am.  I am fortunate to have you in my life.  I only hope you will not back out of our d-date on E-Easter."  He mutters.

      "I  will not.  You have my word that I will be there."  Blue Shadow says.

       "Good, because I have an important news to give you then."  Luka says.  He gulps.  He feels like everything around him is right for a change.  He can not believe he actually plans to confess his crush on her on their date.  He can only hope she returns his feelings.  He is so nervous he feels himself sweat even though it is not time for the date just yet.

       Blue Shadow pulls out her guitar. She plays a song.  It is one of her favorites.  She does not say why, or the name of it.  She just plays it and sings along with the music.  She can feel his eyes on her.  She feels her cheeks burn as if he has given her the world.  

      Luka looks at her in awe.  He knows his sis, is right, he is smitten with her!  However, he does not want her to know this.  At least not yet, anyway!   He sees the rest of the group show up.  

     "Places everyone!  Places!"  Luka says.

     "Sure thing, boss!"  William who insist everyone calls him "Will"  says.

     "Yes, sir!"  Blue Shadow says.

     Everyone else laughs.  Luka laughs to for that matter. In fact everyone expect for Blue Shadow laughs. 

     The whole met seems to go by in a rush!  Next thing you know it all have gone home.  All that is expect for two, Luka and Blue Shadow.  

      Blue Shadow starts to run off.  "Wait, before you go, I want you to promise me that Easter is the day you relax around me more.  I will not bite you know."  Luka says.

      "I can not promise you anything.  I do admit though Easter can not get here soon enough!"  Blue Shadow says.

     With this said, she walks away.  The mask tires to come loose due to the light breeze that soon turns into a huge wind.  She runs with one hand on her mask and the other holds the guitar case by its handle.  She does not bother to go home as the storm only picks up more.  She seeks shelter in the nearest building.  This place just happens to be an old ware house.  She sits down glad to be out of the wind as she hears it hallow outside and the rain too as she hears it pitter patter in sink to the windy noises.  She feels so comfortable here she soon dozes off.

      Luka who was not far behind her, catches up too her.  He comes inside, closes the door and blots it to try to keep out the wind and rain.  He sits down beside her.  He can see the mask as it starts to slip away.  He closes his eyes and gently fixes it back into place.  He knows this was his chance to find out more, but he decides it is not worth it if it makes her upset with him.  He opens his eyes.  He is glad to see the mask is firmly in place.  He smirks.  

     He knows one thing  is for sure, whoever she is sure is one hot damsel!  He blushes at his silly and asburd thoughts!  Since when was he the one to think about a girl in such a way.  He looks closer at her.  He can see she is fast asleep.  He leans in and gently kisses her left cheek.  He hopes she will not wake up from his small display of affection towards her.

    Turns out he need not worry as she remains asleep.  The storm passes by, as she wakes up. She looks at him in dismay.  She calls out,  "You saw did you not?  You saw the rest of my f-face."

    "Look, I did not look, I know how much your disguise means to you.  Who am to take that away?  I did not look!"  Luka remarks.

    "How do you explain my mask being in place, then?  Huh?"  Blue Shadow says.

      "You are unbelievable!  you know that?   I  had my eyes shut and I felt around carefully and found the mask with my hands.  I gently got it back while I was like this.  Only after I was sure the mask was in place did I open my eyes!  You have to believe me!"  Luka says.

      "I do!  If you say you did not look, then you did not."  Blue Shadow says.

      "I came close to a view of you without it,  but I knew that was not what you would want.  So, I choose to respect you, by not so much as a glance."  Luka confesses.

     "Thank you! You do not know how much this means to me!"  Blue Shadow says.

    to be continued in Chapter  6  Day Before the Holiday?


Easter Special by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now