boyfriend Josh

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Josh as a boyfriend:
- The most touchy feely ever. He'd have his hand on your tigh or his arm around your shoulder at all times.
- He'd make you short playlists of songs that remind him of you and send them to you out of the blue.
- Surprise visits. He'd show up at your door unannounced and be all 'what are we doing today?' as if you had planned something.
- Him playing the piano for you and serenading you.
- Him letting you choose the music while on a road trip, but then getting annoyed when something too poppy comes on.
- Him taking care of you when you're sick. And apologizing a million times because you caught it from him.
- Him sneaking out of bed in the morning to cook you breakfast and bringing it to you in bed with the biggest smile on his face.

josh kiszka // one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now