All Because of a Cup of Bubble Tea

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  Sehun loves bubble tea.

  He really really loves bubble tea.

  The first time he drank bubble tea was when he was a kid. His grandmother had bought him one as a treat for being a good boy all day. Of course, no one told her about Sehun's sugar high. He was brandishing the cup of bubble tea around after taking a sip, nearly smacking it into his grandmother's face as he attempts to throw a hug around her to thank her.

  Needless to say, he was banned from having bubble tea regularly after that incident.



  Sehun loves bubble tea.

  He was eating Ddeokbokki on the streets with his friends, drinking bubble tea, when the casting lady approached him. Being the well-taught kid he was, he ran away from her. It was a full thirty minutes before she finally caught up and gave him the card. The cup of bubble tea in his hand was half-finished as a pair of heels clicked off while he stared disbelievingly at the card.



  Sehun loves bubble tea.

  He was sure he had just flunked his audition. How could he not? He had totally forgotten the steps halfway, and had swayed around a little stiffly, before getting a grip on himself and finishing his dance. He was nearly in tears as he left the room, convinced that he didn't make it.

  Feeling sorry for him, his mum took him out to get some Choco Bubble Tea. Sipping the bubble tea contentedly, Sehun couldn't help but regret the happenings at his audition.

  He got in, of course.


  Sehun loves bubble tea.

  Trainee life turned out to be harder than he thought. He was exhausted from the endless practices that was dished out to him. The language lessons, physical workouts, dancing lessons, singing lessons...everything. The only solace he could find in such a mess of his life was of course, his bubble tea.

  Fast forward to his fourth year as a trainee, and he was walking along a stretch of road that he had walked upon many many times already. Once he got to the bubble tea shop, he placed his order, and went in search of a table. Finding one, he plopped down into its accompanying chair, awaiting his order.

  "Is this seat taken?" A voice broke his reverie.

  Sehun glanced up into a pair of sparkly eyes.


  Sparkly Eyes continued staring at him confusedly. Sehun shook his head dazedly, and Sparkly Eyes sunk into the other chair. They remained silent for the rest of the time until Sehun got called up for his order. He stood up, bade a small farewell to Sparkly Eyes, and soon left the shop, bubble tea in hand.

  Sehun wasn't a talker, but that was still honestly the most awkward moment he had shared with somebody.


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