/chapter 5/

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                   ~Kirishemas pov~
Probably about half way into the movie I felt new weight being added to my shoulder. I looked over to see Baku-bro asleep leaning against me. I felt Heath creep up the sides of my face and tryed to pay attention to the movie. Click. I turned to see mina pointing her camera at me "what the hell?" She smiled lowering the camera   "sorry kirishima, you guys just looked so cute together". I felt the heat on the sides of my face intensify "no we don't!" Mina giggled a bit while bakougou stered in his sleep. I glared at her again and draped my arm over bakougous shoulder. I heard bakougous phone ding a few times and desided I should probably check it out. He had a few missed calls and some missed texts from someone saved under the name "Hag". After finding that his phone didn't have a lock on it I responded to her, turns out she was bakougous mom just worried about where he was. While I was on his phone i also got his number before going back to watching the movie. Throughout the rest of the movie I tryed not to jump to much to avoid waking bakougou up. When the end credits finally rolled around me Denki and todoroki where the only ones still asleep. I got up and layed bakougou down before getting him some pillows and a blanket. I then proceeded to take mina back to her room while Todoroki took Deku and Denki took jirou before heading off to my room. I took some pills that said they would help stop my night terrors and fell asleep.
                       -time skip-
A blood curtailing scream filled my ears. I ran over to her and attempted to stop the bleeding on her back. I pushed my hands down on the stab wound. Before I felt a sharp pain and was thrown off to the side. I saw her eyes open slightly and look over at me tears spilling out. She opened her mouth slightly and tryed to talk but nothing came out. I stood stood up on shaky legs only to be pushed down again. The taller man's boot heal dug into my chest and I used my hands to try to pry it off of me but he only pushed down harder. Out of the corner of my eye I could see the other guy walking up and some object coming towards my head really quickly. My eyes shot open and I bullted upright. My heart was pounding and my breath hitched in my throat. I was not particularly scared. I was quite used to this by now, it was happening almost every night. The same dream. The same memory. I wiped the tears falling from my eyes then took a few deep breaths and tryed to calm my breathing. After calming down i got up and turned on the light and took a drink of the water on my bedside table. After a while i dicided to go waych some TV downstairs since there was no use trying to go back to sleep. As soon as i walked into the living room i seen bakougou sitting on the couch on his phone. I turned to walk back up the stairs not wanting to bug him. "Oi shitty hair where are you going?" I stoped and turned around to see bakougou now facing in my detection  "oh uh, sorry bakougou i was just coming down here to watch aome TV but i forgot you where here so uhh ill go back upstairs and leave you alone" the wordes came out way to fact and it took me a while to comprehended what i said. "You can whatch TV if you want to i dont give a shit i have my phone" bakugou mumbled as he turnd back around. I walkwd over and sat next to him on the couch and turned on the TV to the discovery channel. I saw bakougou  move out of the corner of my eye "the fuck is this?" He asked. "Uhh.. well when i wake up i unusually just... watch...TV and i like the animals on here it's not that bad bakou-bro... actually pretty cool and-" "ok damn i dont need a fucking speach about it" bakougou interupted  me. "Yah" i laughed nervously and felt my face heat up a bit. I have never goten nervous talking to anyone before. I dont get it. "So why are you awake anyway?" I jumped slightly at his voice. "Oh, i just couldent sleep" i paused for a second "why are you awake?". "I woke up idiot and your eyes are red as fuck". Shit. "Oh they are?". "Yah they are so your ither on some type of drug, your sick, or you were crying" bakougou glarea at me a bit but not really a mad glare more of like a confused type look. I laugh a bit "well im not on drugs, and i dont cry" i smile. "So your sick" he raises an eyebrow. "Pfft i dont get sick" i smile again. "Mhm sure what ever" bakougou looks back to his phone.
                    ~time skip~
For a few hours i just ley there watching tv until i felt my eyelids getting heavy and i fell back asleep. (In dream ->) i slowly regain conchens ness and look around im still outside its dark. I look around there is blood by me. My eyes follow the trail of blood it dipears around behind a tree. I use all of my steingth to get up. My legs are weak and shaky. My head is pounding. Each step os painful. I walk around the tree and se her. "M-mom?" I feel tears roll down my face as i move towrds her "m-mom!" I muster a yell even though my throat feels as if i had just gargled with razerblades. I walk up to her and place my hand on her sholder. She dosent move at all i wraped my skinny arms around her and cryes into her sholder. I could hear foot steps all around me but i didnt care. I felt a hand wrap around my arm but my tears were clouded with tears. Come on kirishima  be strong. I was througn aside i heard someone laughing before i was hit in the face and held down by my throat. I squirmed and pushed on the hand pinning my throat to the ground. At some point in time when i started giving up the mans hand sliped ever so slightly upwards and i was able to get another gasp of air. I tuged on his hand a bit more and got his pinky finger closer and closer to my mouth. As soon as it got close enough i bit down as the man yelled out in pain and i bit down harder. I felt the skin break and warm blood rush into my mouth but i couldent care less. All of my sinces had been drowned in pure hatred. The man finally riped his hand out of my mouth yelling and cursing while i coghed and spit out blood before hetting up and trying to run but my legs gave out on me. I felt a sharp pain in my back and qas thrown forward into a bush of some sort. My body screamed stop bit my mind knew i had to get up and run, so i did. I stood up the best i could and ran. I ran until i threw up. Even then i could hear there voices "find the kid" or "get the brat" i tried to get up but i could hardly move very mucle in my body ached and all i wanted to do was rest. I used the last of my strangth to pull myself into a near by bush where i silently  cryed and listend to the rustling and voices i  the woods surounding me. I was lost. Hurt. Weak. Starving. My mom was dead. I was alone. And i hade maniacs trying to kill me. More hot tears rolled down my face and i felt someone shake me. I frose and everything went black. I felt the shake again. And again. I slowly opend my eyes to see bakougou.
sentence count without a/u: 1393

(Gang!Kirishima X Highschool!Bakougou) Love Me?Where stories live. Discover now