chapter 6

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  So this chapter will have some angst and possibly some fluff idk XD

                   ~Bakougous pov~
I looked over to see shitty hair asleep now leaning aginst the arm of the couch. Cute. Wait. WHAT?. Pfft im not gay and kirishima err shitty hair is not "cute" he is just a dude. A dude i hardly know i glare down at him for a second before he starts to move around. I tryed to ignore him but turned back to him when he started moving around more moving his feet and mumbling some uncomprehendable words. "Shitty hair?". I got up and crouched down in frount of him i felt my glare sofen and my heart sink when i saw his eyes scrunch up and tears drip down his face. "Hey kirishima?" I put my hand on his sholder and he jumped a bit mumbling the words "no" i was sure i looked worried at that point but who they fuck cares? I shoke him slightly "kirishima?". I waited a second then shoke him again "kirishima" he opend his eyes slowly and i coveres up my worried look. "What the fuck man?" Kirishima just stared up at me tears in his eyes as i felt my glare ware of "you good?" He just stared at me fore a few more seconds before siting up "y-yah dude im f-fine" he plastered a smile on his face but still tears streemed out of his eyes. "Yah you sure look 'fine'" i said and without thinking i took the sleeve of my shirt and brought it up to wipe his tears from his eyes. And i swear i saw him blush but just as soon as i saw it he looked away. I felt heat rise on my own face so i didn't  try to get him to look back. "What was that about?" I asked trying to sound as kind as possible. "What are you talking about: he said quickly. "Dont fuck with me kiris- shitty hair, you were crying what the fuck was it about?" I almost yelled. I could feel kirishimas body tensin as he leand away from me and i could hear him stiffle and wipe his eyes. I sighed and huged him from behind. "hey its ok kiri, dont cry" he quickly turned around and huged me back. "I know i sound stupid but..." he paused taking a shaky breath "I've been having these dreams... this dream... this memory..." he burried his face in my chest and i felt his warm tears seap into my shirt. "I-i wake up at n-night, i was only five" his words were hard to make out " im s-scared to s-sleep b-bakugou. Everytime i do t-these memories come back..." i pull him closer and he wraps his arms aroud me "its ok kirishima" i said letting him sob into my chest. "I promice its ok". I felt kirishima take a shaky breath and nod before pulling away. His eyes red and swollen. It hurt to see him like this. "Do you want to talk about it?" I said the words before my mind could even process  them. Kirishima just kinda stared at me. "D-do you want t-to hear about it?" He mumbled trying to stedy his voice. I nod. And he begains, he tells me everything. About how he was 5 how he watched those men kill his mom and just narowly escaped. He told me about how he had went and lived with picachu and his older brother and how they prettey much grew up together. I listend noding everytime he looked at me to show i was listening. After a while his voice went shaky and tears begain running down his face again. I instenctivly reached over and huged him. I wanted to do all i could to make him feel better so i just held him while he wimpered and tryed not to cry. I held him until i felt his weight press agenst me and i held him untel i could her his breathing calm and soft snores escape his mis mouth. Then i layed back and brought hin to my chest and held him until i too eventuality also drifted off into darkness. I awoke the next morning to something moving next to me. My eyes bulted open and i was greeted by kirishima inches away from my face, a blushing mess. I stared ar him for a second before my eyes followed his arms down pressed against  my chest and mine wrapped around his waist. I felt heat rising in my face really quickly and let go of him pulling my arms back. He just sat there staring at me. "Uh... hey baku-bro... so uhh last night.....can you not tell anyone" he smiled nervously and brought one one hand up to itch the back of his neck leaving the other one on my chest. I looked down at his hand then back at him "yah sure, i wont tell anyone if you dont". Almost as soon as I said that they was a familiar voice "Pfft but i will!" I turned quickly to see pichachu leaning agenst the door frame. I looked down at kirishima who was blushing even more. "to hell you will!" He yelled jumping up. Pickachu laughes before taking off up the stairs kirishima on his tail. I got up and followed them into a room where the rest of the group were playing bord games. "Kirishima slept with bakougou!" Pickachu screamed runing to hide behind mina. "No i did not!" Kirishima yelled back stopping in the door way "it wasent like that!. Pichachu smirked stepping out of behind mina "then what waaaasss it like?". Kirishima blushed. "I-i... w-we.... he... umm".  As soon as I got there I chimed in seeing kirishima struggle " he came downstares and watched some tv last night he fell asleep then i did too i guess one of us moved in out sleep" i lied "sorry kir- shitty hair". Kirishima smiled to me quickly "its ok baku-bro".
Alright bros. This chapter was pretty short but i though it was cute also i might start a one shots thing cuz im bord and cant sleep. :D also word count for the 0 people who care is 1000 :p

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