Chapter 2 - Part 2

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The black hole gets bigger and bigger. Soon enough it starts to pull at the ship causing me to fall and Jack to slightly fall but not completely. "To stop the magnetic pull, we must go inside the black hole." Jack says to me in a serious tone. "Are you crazy?" I asked in disbelief. There is no way he would mention something like that. We could die if we go in there. "I'm serious" he says as he pulls the shift lever and turns the wheel towards the black hole. We soar into the black hole.

Blank, everything was gone. When I opened my eyes, I appeared to be in an all white room once again. I look up at the ceiling to see if anything is there. "Nothing. I guess I'm alone," I say. I look around to get a good look of everything in the room. It looks likes my father's office. I've always liked his office. So neat. I continue scanning the room to find a tall man standing in a dark corner watching me. "Hello Hailey," The Man says to me as he starts walking towards me appearing out of the dark corner.

Hearing him say my name sends shivers down my spine recalling what happened the first time. "A-are you going to eat me again?" I questioned. "So disrespectful. You need to learn some manners. Are going to say hello?" The Man stated. "Ummm. Hello Sir." I said confused. I do have manners. My manners are probably better than his. "Use my name!" The Man exclaimed. As he screamed, he walked over to me and pushed me down. Surprisingly, it hurt. I didn't think it would since this is just a dream. "I am so sorry darling," he says in a worried voice. Suddenly a white bed appears, he picks me up and places me on the bed. "Are you hurt? If you are then don't go to sleep." he stated. "Why not?" I questioned. "If you go to sleep, you'll wake up."

"You don't want me to wake up? I ask him. He smiles at me and shakes his head. He has a nice smile. "You know my come I don't know yours?" I ask. His smile faded away. "You'll figure it out sooner or later." My eyebrows furrow. What is that supposed to mean? I wonder if Jack is having these weird dreams? "How are you able to be in my dreams?" The Man looked at me with anger in his eyes. "You ask a lot of questions don't you?" He asked. His body started to turn black and he began to get bigger.

I hopped off the bed and looked around for somewhere to go. I could feel my breathing get short. "Not again....not again." I said to myself quietly. I felt a vibration. I look up to The Man, he's above me. His large hand starts to come down towards me. I scream, falling back. The hand picks me up choking me. I put my hand up lighting it up but, it does nothing. My eyebrows furrow. The Man opens his mouth, letting his large, black tongue out. His tongue makes his way over to me. My eyes widened with fear.

His tongue makes its way over to my mouth and goes down my throat. I put my hands on it trying to get it out. I can't breathe. I feel the tongue get thicker letting a substance out in my body. My eyes get wide, before they close.

My eyes open gasping for air. I touch my neck and look around. I'm back in the ship and I can see again. I look over at Jack, he isn't moving. His hands are on the steering wheel though. I lean over a bit and see that his eyes are open but, they're all white. I look away from him realizing that he's having a vision. I look outside of the ship seeing color. He got us out of the black hole somehow.

It isn't safe for him to be driving the ship while he's having a vision. I look at the ships controls and shift the controls over to me. That dream was really weird. I wonder if I should tell Jack about them. He might end up calling me crazy though. I don't want him to do that. I want him to take me seriously. I look over at him and I notice that he's now clutching the steering wheel. My eyebrows furrow. "Jack...?" I say quietly. I put my hand out and reach to touch his shoulder. Right before I touch it he grabs my hand, hard. His head jerked over to me, his eyebrows were furrowed.

"J....Jack? Let go." I say. He looks at me for a bit then snaps out of whatever weird trans he was in. He looks away from me letting me go. "Who was that?" He says quietly. "Are you okay?" I ask him. He goes silent and after a bit he nods. "You're lying to me." I say. Jack looks at me. "I keep having these bad visions okay? They're making me mad. I know that can't happen because I've been with you nonstop! There is no way that could happen!" Jack yells. I put my hand on his shoulder. "It's to me." I say.

He looks at me then looks away shaking his head. "I can't." He says. I scoff, "Well you've already said that much. What couldn't have happened Jack?" He rolls his eyes. "You really are stubborn aren't you?" He says. I grab his face making him look at me. "Tell me." I say. I can see the anger in his eyes. "There's something in you Hailey. I don't know what it is but, there is something in you. And in my visions you keep trying to fight me. The one that I just had there was a black substance coming out of your mouth when I punched you." He then moved his face. "Happy?" He asks. I look away from him.

The Man has done this to me.

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