The final chapter

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After the intense flash mob, the Irwins had invited Rosa and her mother back to Australia to visit the zoo. Rosa was secretly hoping her mom would want to live there during the visit, but she didn't want to get her hopes up to soon.

Her mother and Terri seemed to find common ground about everything, and they giggled like teenage girls all the way home to a point where the rest of them had to put in earplugs to cancel out the loud noise.

When the plane finally landed in Brisbane airport, it reminded Rosa of when she first arrived to Australia. It hit her with a wave of emotions. Months ago, she had taken a huge risk and even though there had been bumps along the way, she would never change anything.

Wes picked them up in his taxi as usual and they all laughed, talked and sang Aussie country songs on the way home. They were cramped together in the car and Rosa had to sit on Robert's lap, which definitely was illegal but whatever. He had his strong, muscular arms around Rosa, making sure she wasn't falling whenever Wes harshly hit the brakes.

Australia Zoo welcomed Rosa back with its loud sound of happy visitors and animals roaring, barking, grumbling, singing and more. It was like music to her ears and it felt like coming home.

Robert took Rosa's hand in his, Bindi took Chandler's, and Terri took Rosa's mother's and they yet again burst into a set of uncontrollable giggles.

Her mom got a tour of the whole zoo, also instructed by Rosa, who knew the place better than she had thought. Her mom quickly got fascinated by the amazing wildlife Australia Zoo had to offer, furthermore getting incredibly moved when they visited the wildlife hospital and saw a very sick echidna who's spikes were all broken because it had been run over by a car.

After the tour, her mom pulled Rosa behind a tree, and confessed, "Rosa, I finally seem to understand, why you feel so at home here. I won't promise we'll officially move to Australia anytime soon, but I can definitely promise I'll consider it." Rosa's jaw practically fell on the ground by surprise. She would never in her wildest dreams guess that her mom would contemplate moving here so soon. Rosa jumped up in excitement and immediately hugged her. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She cheered.

Rosa, faster than ever, ran back to the Irwins and couldn't wait long before she exclaimed: "guys, maybe I'll finally be able to live in Australia!"

This, put a big smile on all their faces too.

"Aww sweetheart, that's just ace!" Bindi cheery said. Terri too expressed her joy and spoke: "then your mother and I can catch up everyday!" They all laughed with her.

For the rest of the day, they had split up into groups. Terri, Bindi and Chandler all went to work and took Rosa's mother with them. Rosa and Robert had been allowed some "free time," and had decided to take a stroll to the wombat enclosure. There, they had shared their first kiss. Rosa blushed by the thought, and Robert seemed to have thought about the same thing because he too flushed a deep scarlet.

For a while they just looked at the wombats, taking them on small walks around the exhibit because wombats absolutely love taking strolls until their small legs get tired. Robert even dug a burrow with Burrow, a wombat who currently was pregnant. His hair was all messed up and covered in sand - as always - and Rosa giggled by the humorous sight.

He ran over to her, while she was sitting with Kato. He pretended to fall on her, just like they fell on each other the last time they were here. They both laughed, but the atmosphere quickly changed between them. Rosa looked up into Robert's ocean blue eyes. He tucked a piece of curly hair behind her ear with his big, calloused hand. He leaned down and kissed her softly on the lips, making Rosa's heart flutter. "Robert?" Rosa asked. She finally gathered the guts to ask him. "Yes?" He answered, hoping for what he thought she'd ask.

"Will you be my... Boyfriend?" She questioned, seemingly nervous.

He smiled, and couldn't hide his smugness anymore. "Crikey, it would be me an honor," he finally answered and kissed her again - this time with more impact to indicate his deep feelings for Rosa that he couldn't seem to comprehend himself nor put into words.

Rosa sighed relieved, and they both laughed out of pure happiness. Rosa knew in this moment that from now on, she would never feel alone or misplaced again.

"No. It will always be Robert Irwin & I," she thought to herself.


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