A blooming flower of love

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Rosa slowly opened up the letter from her mother, scared of what information might be in it. Every one around the table were still looking at her, forgetting Rosa's privacy in their curiosity.

The letter said:
"Kære Rosa, Din far og jeg er bekymrede for hvordan du har det, og stadigvæk meget skuffede over du tog alle mine pensionsopsparinger, OG bare forlod os uden videre. Derfor, kommer vi snart og opsøger dig, så vi kan få snakket om sagerne - det er dog ikke sikkert hvornår. Hilsen mor."


"Dear Rosa, your dad and I are very worried about your well-being, and we're still very disappointed over the fact that you took all my retirement money, AND just left us without a word. Therefore, we'll soon come to find you, so we can talk - we haven't decided when though. Love, mom."

Rosa suddenly felt sick, but tried to keep it down in front of the Irwin's. "I'm sorry to sneer, love, but what did the letter say?" Bindi asked.

Rosa decided, that she couldn't keep on lying, so she replied: "it was my mom, telling she's coming soon." = Not a lie, just not the full truth.

"Oh well, that's just lovely isn't it?" Terri spoke with excitement. "Crikey, maybe your family regrets abandoning you after all!" Robert joined the excitement cheer. Rosa plastered on a fake smile and nodded. Oh dear God, what mess had she gotten herself into!? Rosa knew, she needed to come up with a plan, to save her ass, from the Irwin's knowing she had lied to them, and in reality were their biggest fans, but she wasn't even sure WHEN her family came! They could arrive any minute by now!

Rosa was petrified out of her mind, but the day had to keep on going. After breakfast, Rosa used a long time to do her hair in the bathroom. Luckily, Robert hadn't been in the shower like last time. Her curly locks were a mess, and it took every piece of Rosa's strength, when it came to taming her mane.

Suddenly, Robert opened the door, while Rosa combed her hair in frustration. "Crikey! Is there a gorilla loose in our bathroom!" He shouted, and had to hold onto his stomach, from laughing so hard. Rosa didn't think it was funny at all, actually she felt kind of hurt. Not her fault, her hair was out of control.

"It's not funny, Robert" Rosa said. He immediately realized her angry tone, and stopped laughing: "I'm sorry, sweetheart," he said. Rosa's heart missed a beat. Sweetheart!? "It's okay, it's okay," Rosa flat out replied, and continued combing through her hair with her fingers. Robert leaned toward the wall, and looked at her, captivatingly, in the mirror. After a few seconds, he rasped: "you're a real beauty, you know that right?"

Rosa blushed, and looked down at her feet. "No, I'm not..." In reality, she wanted him to continue. "You know, I've been too much of a wanker, to confess to you." He paused. Confess what? Rosa thought to herself. "I realized, you're maybe from a place, where people didn't tell you how beautiful you are all the time."
- "I wanted you to hear it from me. You really are fair dinkum, Rosa," he ended his speech, smiled, and walked out. Rosa stood still in shock and amazement.

It wasn't completely true. Her mom often told her she was beautiful, but it was unbelievably thoughtful of Robert to tell her. He did after all, think she came from a bad place. Rosa felt worse than ever. She was portraying a lie for Robert, who was slowly unveiling himself and opening up to her, like a blooming flower. She wanted to confess her lies to him so badly, because she couldn't deny, what was building up inside of her.

Rosa was catching more and more feelings for him than ever.

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