Chapter 1

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That's all you could see.

You could hear voices, but they sounded far away, like they were underwater. You tried to open your eyes, but you couldn't seem to control your body. You felt as if you had been asleep for a long time, and you couldn't get your body to wake up.

The voices stop, and the air around you starts to vibrate. The warmness that surrounds you begins to melt away. Suddenly, you feel cold air hit your skin as you start to fall. You wait for the the feeling of your body hitting the ground, but it never came. Instead, you feel arms catch you, and you start to panic.

'What is happening?' you think. 'Where am I?'

The voices are more clear now, but it's still difficult to understand them. You manage to open your eyes a little, and you can make out a boy staring back at you, concerned, with more people and Pokemon standing behind him. You can't move your body, and you can't keep your eyes open much longer.

"Hello? Can you hear me? What's your name?" the boy in front of you asks. You notice he has a Pikachu sitting on his shoulder. You try and say anything, but no words come out. Instead, you start coughing and you close your eyes. Your energy is fading, fast.

"We need to get her back to the Professors!" you hear someone exclaim. You suddenly feel yourself being lifted onto a soft, warm surface. You lean back on someone, and you feel their arms steady you, making sure you don't fall off whatever it is that you're on.

"Help me with her Pokemon!" someone says. After a moment, you notice more people climbing up next to you. Everything starts moving, taking you by surprise, and you suddenly feel very nauseous. You don't know what's going on, and you just want to go home.


Where is home?

You start to regain more control of your body. You roll your head over and furrow your eyebrows

"Hey, she's starting to wake up!" you hear someone shout. You wish they wouldn't be so loud, it hurt your head. Then, as you managed to open your eyes a little, the sky exploded into bright orange colors. You quickly shut your eyes, unable to withstand the brightness, and after a moment, you feel everything come to a stop.

"We're back Professors!" a voice shouts from in front of you, followed by a little "Pika!" You feel everyone start to climb off of whatever you were riding on.

"Lusamine, you're safe!" you hear a woman say. The person you're leaning on speaks up.

"Yeah, but now we have a different problem," a boy says. You feel hands grab you as you're brought down to the ground. You try and open your eyes again, and when you do, you see a tuft of blue and black fur. You suddenly remember that wherever you were back there, you weren't there by yourself; you had Cato with you.

"Who is this?" an older man says as he picks you up.

"We don't know, Professor Kukui," someone replies. "We just found her and that Luxray in some weird rock-thing, like they were asleep or something."

"Huh? The Ultra Wormhole!" someone exclaimed. 'Ultra Wormhole?' you thought.

"It disappeared..." another voice said.

"We better get Lusamine and this girl home," states the older man. You try so hard to open your eyes, to find out what in the world is going on, but you just can't do it. You can move your body a little bit, so you shift in his arms. Your head is throbbing, and you feel exhausted, even though you feel as if you've been asleep for a very long time. You drift in and out until you hear what you assume is a helicopter nearing everyone.

You can feel yourself being moved into the helicopter, and as you're set down on a soft surface, you feel a familiar Pokemon's fur. 'Cato,' you thought. You're able to open your eyes just a little to confirm your thoughts; your Luxray is lying next to you, unconscious.

You feel the helicopter take off and you realize how drained you are. You thought back to your earlier concern, about home. Where is home? You shifted a little and furrowed your eyebrows as you realized you couldn't really answer that question. The hum of the helicopter is last thing you hear before you let exhaustion take over.

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