Chapter 4

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   “Kill him.” I growl. “Gladly.” Smirks Lucas. “N-No! Please don’t do this! I-I have a family!” The man begs. “Well you should have thought of them when you were fucking pulling that shit.” I fume, looking into his small, beady eyes. “Besides it’s not like you care for your wife. I know about you sneaking around in clubs, taking interest in any one that looks your way.” I say lowly.

       “I-I swear I didn't do it! Someone framed me.” He tries defending himself. “I don’t care. You’re long past your due date anyway.” I shrug, pulling out my gun. He starts trembling and sweat dots his face even more. “Fine, kill me. But a warning, I am a very powerful man. My men will come and find you-”

     “-And kill me. Yeah I know, but guess what? I am the most powerful mafia leader in the world, and your men work under me. So I don’t really care if a few of them die.” I scoff. “Y-You’ll regret it!” He tries reasoning.

Smirking, counting to myself how many seconds of my time he’s wasting, I open my mouth to ask a stupid question. “Oh really, and just how am I going to supposedly regret it?” I say amused.
“I am your strongest ally!” He tries compromising.

Shrugging, I inspect my gun, watching in content as the light from the room gleams across the dark metal of the gun. Running a finger across the carved-in rose designs I turn to him, gun raised.
“Correction, was.” I say, shooting him in the shoulder, him yelling in pain.

  Growling in disappointment, I look at the chamber in disdain. Only the first two roses come to life with the red color, and they are only half full. “Pitiful.” I scoff. Shooting his leg, I nod somewhat satisfied that the third and forth roses join the party.

   The old man looks ready to pass out, or die, I can’t really tell the difference since his dirty red blood slowly paints over the disappointment of a canvas. “Come on, only a bit more.” I smirk.

   Aiming my gun higher, I point it straight to his head. “You better hope this one covers each rose. Or else I’m going straight to hell and pulling you out.” I growl, and pull the trigger, the bullet going through his head.

Blowing out the smoke producing from the tip of the chamber, I grab a handkerchief, wiping the blood away. The carved metal stays stained red. "You know," I say turning to Lucas. "It's much more fun killing the guilty, their blood is dirtier, more realistic." I chuckle, tossing my head back to get my dark bangs out of my eyes.

   He laughs too, his head down. "Now, what was the real reason on why you killed the old man?" Lucas asks, giving me a look. "Oh, he tried fucking Angel." I say, putting the gun back in the holster. "That's it?  You got to be joking!" He laughs. I give him a small glare, which causes a wave of surprise to wash across his face.

   "You've got to be kidding me." He deadpans, my silence providing the answer. "So now what? You have to deal with another mafia because you killed their head again." He groans. "Now, I don't know about you, but I would prefer not getting shot again." He says, eyeing me wearily.

   Throwing my head back for let out a loud laugh, I say with a smirk, "What's the whole point of being in the mafia if you're not going to bleed?"     “Even so, that shouldn’t mean we get shot. Every. Single. Time!” He groans. “Come on, lets go. Tell someone to clean this up.” I say, nodding in the direction of the corpse on the floor, slowly bleeding out.

    Pressing a button on his watch, Lucas nods. “Done, they should be here in about 2 minutes.” “Good.” I say in satisfaction. When we’re walking down the hallway from the cellar, we see Mark's cleaning crew file in. "Boss," He says turning to me. "Please tell me you didn't make as much as a mess as last time. We were scrubbing for a good two hours, only for it not to come out completely!"

   Shaking my head in response, I catch him looking at Lucas for conformation. Lucas just shrugs. "Alright," He sighs. When he walks away, I catch him mutter, "I seriously don't understand how girls deal with this crap every month. I mean, we use cold water and bleach! And it still doesn't come out. Man, I swear they do witchcraft."

I chuckle as I walk alongside Lucas. "Should I call an institution.." He jokes. "Nah, we own most of them. Plus we're all a little crazy anyway." I say proudly. "Well said Boss, well said."


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