Summoner Prequel Announcement and Cover Reveal!

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Hi everyone,

First off, I want to thank you all for being so patient with me over the last few months. I have been working hard behind the scenes to get Summoner: The Novice ready in time for May 5th, the official release date. The book has been extended, improved and professionally edited, with more lessons, more training and more demons! There's still work to do, and there will be more news and updates coming in the future that I can't wait to share with you!

The first surprise is that I can announce the official US and UK cover reveal! Go to if you want to see the US version, where there's an exclusive interview with me, about the published book. Go to and click the link to check out the UK version, which also has a sneak peak at the UK's official first chapter! I have shared the links in the comments, with all my followers in a message and you can find it on my profile's status too.

I also want to give back to you guys, because you are my inspiration. Your comments, messages and votes are what keeps me going, and I want to thank you for everything you have done for me. 

So, I am pleased to announce that I will be writing a prequel to the Summoner trilogy, Summoner: Origins! It's going to be on Wattpad and it's going to centre around Arcturus, when he becomes the first commoner to arrive at the Academy. You'll see other familiar faces, like Scipio, Lovett and Rook, and you might even get some clues about what happens next in Fletcher's timeline! There will be new demons, new spells, new villains and new characters, many of which will turn up in the Summoner trilogy. 

The first chapter will be coming in October and the whole thing will be on Wattpad for you to read before Summoner: The Novice comes out. More updates that will include Summoner exclusives, give-aways and prizes will also be shared on here, so please do keep this book in your library and follow me so I can let you know all about them!

With heartfelt thanks,


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