3: Consequences and Make-Ups

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°Nash's POV°

"This is so unfair!!! I didn't do anything!"

"Mr. Grier. Lower your voice."

"No! This is shit!!! I didn't do anything!" I yelled.

"Umm. Ma'am not to be rude or anything but he tried to pull us apart." Taylor said.

"Sure Mr. Caniff. And you were just helping Mr. Cox get a bloody nose." Principal Krewzyck told him.

"Taylor isn't lying." Acacia said.

"And who are you? I've never met you before."

"Acacia Rodriguez. Senior. Straight A student. Never been in trouble before."

"Well Mrs. Rodriguez. I understand you're trying to help your friends here but what's your purpose."

"I told Simmons off."

"And why?"

"He was being a dick to her!" Taylor jumped in.

"Put a sock in it Mr. Caniff!"

"Look she shouldn't be getting in trouble. All she did was stand up for herself. If you want I'll take the extra three days." I said.

"Nash yo-"

"Shhh." I told her.

"Very sweet of you to care about your girlfriend but she deserves the same amount of consequences as much as the three of you."

"Uhm. She's my girlfriend not his."

"Thank you for the information. But the four of you owe three days worth of suspension. I don't care what happened. I don't care who was involved. You all just aren't allowed back until next Wednesday. Your parents will be here to pick you up soon."

"What about my brother? I'm his ride home. I can't just leave him here."

"Alright. I'll call him down and he may go home with you as well."

"This is shit! They fucking jumped me! And I'm getting punished for it!"

"Shut the fuck up Simmons!" Acacia said.

"Why don't you shut the fuck up you slut."

"Back the fuck off! I seriously will hurt your fucking ass!" Taylor said.

"Bring it."

"Dude shut the fuck up before he beats the shit out of you again!" I butted in.

"ENOUGH!!! Mr. Caniff keep your mouth shut! Mrs. Rodriguez do not say another word! And Mr. Grier mind your own business! I'm tired of the three of you! This is exactly why you're all getting a three day 'vacation'."

"Whatever. Look my parents work. How am I going to get home? I take the bus. And I'm not walking there." Acacia said.

"My parents are gonna take my car away. I'd give you a ride but that's probably not gonna happen." Taylor said.

"I can give you a ride. You live next to me anyways there's no reason I can't. It's not out of my way or anything."

"Are you sure?"


"Thanks man. I owe you one." Taylor said.

"No problem."


"Mrs. Krewzyck, Simmons parents are here for him."

"Alright. Go. Don't come back until next Wednesday. Go!"

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