Chapter 4- Dampening Spirits

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Almeta POV
"What?! But I thought you said I did the job right?" This Maven hadn't sounded like someone you want to have a run in with, from what Brynjolf told me. He chuckles and while he is laughing he says, " It's not like that lass. If it was, she wouldn't be talking to you. She would be calling on the Dark Brotherhood. Now go on, Maven is not a lady you keep waiting." I guess I still look worried about it, cause he continues, " Don't worry about it. Maven's business dealings usually involve quite a bit of gold for her people."  Something occurs to me just then. "Speaking of gold for me..." He looks a little confused for a second and then he realises what I am talking about. "Right, your pay. You're smart as a whip lass." He hands me the coin purse containing my pay and walks towards Mercer, probably to discuss what I found at Goldenglow. I sigh and go back the way I came. Before I go though, I stop by Delvin's table and sell him that queen bee statue. With a little more gold in my pocket, I head up topside and head to the inn. When I walk in, Keerava turns to look at me and glares at me. I go up to Keerava and hand her a coin purse. "Here is the money for my room, and a little extra for the trouble." I turn and head up stairs where I know Maven is probably waiting. I doubt this is going to be the kind of conversation one has in the main room of an inn, surrounded by witnesses. Sure enough, when I turn the corner after the stairs, there she is sitting in a chair by one of the rooms. She looks me up and down as though I am just a bug. "Hmm, so you're the one? You don't look so impressive." She immediately rubs me the wrong way and I am ready to end this conversation. "How about we skip the pleasantries and get some business." She gives me an appraising look and says, " It's about time Brynjolf sent me someone with some business sense. I was beginning to think he was running a beggars guild down there. You have to understand, it has been a while since Brynjolf sent me anyone I could rely on." "You don't have faith in the guild?" She scoffs at that. "Faith, I don't have faith in anyone. All I care about is cause and effect. Was the job done and was it done correctly." She stresses correctly, almost like she expects me to fail. I have never had such an immediate dislike for a person. "You won't have that problem with me." "I hope not. This is a very important job. I have a competitor, Honningbrew Meadery, that I want put out of business. They also got up and running very quickly. I want to know how they did it." This is the oh so important job? We are just her hired muscle? As much as I want to protest and yell at her, I don't need her mad at me too? They are enough when it comes to enemies. I don't need anymore. So, I swallow my pride and ask her where to begin. She tells me to go to Whiterun and talk with a Mallus Maccius and he will give me the details. I turn to leave, glad to finally be able to leave her. I head back to the cistern to get what I need to leave for the job. As I was packing my sack, Brynjolf comes up to me. "So, where is she sending you?" "Whiterun, to take a competitor out of business." I finish packing quickly and turn to leave. The sooner I go, the sooner I can come back and get some rest. "Lass!" I turn back around to look at Brynjolf. "Try not to come back bleeding this time, ok lass?" He smirks at me and I grin right back. "I'll try, but no promises." He kind of chuckles and I turn and go out through the graveyard.

(Time skip)

I hate skeevers. Why did this job have to involve skeevers? Mallus had told me about the job and I knew I would hate it. I talked to Sabjorn, and now here I am in the middle of this underground cave system just completely filled with skeevers and frostbite spiders. I was coming into the last room, when I see a sparks spell flying my way. I jump out of the way at the last second, leaving a scorch mark where the spell hit. I quickly dispose of the man, as he was not hard to fight. Just made myself invisible, and came up behind him with my dagger. He never knew what hit him. I finished the skeever job, poisoning both the nest and the vat, then returned to Sabjorn. He was quickly arrested once the captain tasted the mead. Mallus gave me the key to Sabjorn's quarters so I could find the documents Maven wanted. I grabbed the papers, noticing the same odd symbol from Goldenglow on them. I also saw a neat decanter while I was in there and took it, sure that Delvin would be interested in buying it. I told Mallus goodbye and left Honningbrew. Time to head back to Riften.

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